Can drinking more water actually make you more thirsty?!


Can drinking more water actually make you more thirsty?

Sounds weird but I've been trying to drink more water lately and often, after I've just had a bottle or large glass of it, my throat gets dry and I feel even more thirsty than before. Does this happen to anyone else? What could be an explanation?

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3 months ago
I love when people give obvious answers to questions. Of course you need water to live. God, reading that answer made my head hurt.

3 months ago
I love when people give obvious answers to questions. Of course you need water to live. God, reading that answer made my head hurt.

u need water to live......

I drink a lot of water, but have never had that problem. I've never even heard of it.

Only if it's salty. eg seawater

I think it has more to do with your body craving your new healthy lifestyle and detoxing.

drinking water of room temperature allways solves my thirst and I am in Beira, Mozambique where temperatures are at 29 today. try it.

Maybe it's true.I've heard of this.

I don't think the water is going to make a difference. Perhaps the air where you are is dry?

Diabetic folk are always thirsty - are you diabetic?

Water should quench your thirst. Our body is made up of about 70-75 percent water just like the earth. We all need Living Water.

You are diabetic. Get to the doctor.
A sign of hidden diabetes is extreme and unusual thirst.
Or just have a cold can of beer.

This used to happen to me also, I used to drink a lot of caffienated soda, then it seemed like anytime I drank water it would make me more thirsty. I have kicked the soda habit and now I drink mostly water, milk and some juice. It doesn't seem to me like this happens and more. I do still crave the carbonation of soda but I choose to drink non-caffeine drinks. I don't know what the explanation is but I know what you mean when you say it makes you more thirsty.

Have you had food with a heavy salt content?Don't
stop drinking water.Everyone needs it .And no I have never heard of getting more thirsty after drinking water.

I can't give a scientifically correct answer but it could be because now that you're drinking more water, your body is more dependent on it. I've been drinking a lot more water than I used to this past month and whereas before I could live on a glass of liquid a day now I get thirsty within half an hour if I don't drink more.

I have the same problem. I never drank water. If I just drink soda and juice and coffee all day I am fine. I decided to try and drink water because everyone says its so good for you. If I drink a bottle of water my mouth drys up and I am extreme thirsty. It seems the more I drink the thirstier I get. I am going to ask my Doctor what he thinks. If I find out why I will let you know.

Of course water is needed to live, and I'm sure seawater is not being drunk! I doubt the dissolved mineral status of the water is the problem either, because the same thing happens to me with tap water as well as Fiji or other bottled brands.

I used to be an avid coffee/diet soda drinker and have recently switched to water, and now I notice that after I drink water I feel more thirsty than I did before! My mouth and throat feel drier, and I feel really thirsty.

I wish I knew what causes this, but it was helpful to see that one person seems to find this happening less and less as they drink more water.

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