Must quite drinking coffee?!


Must quite drinking coffee?

i didn't quite get the awnser i was looking for last time, i don't won't to know what to do for the migrains i get when i miss a cup of coffee, i would like to know if there is a way to quit drinking it and aviod headach's of any kind, i know there must be someone who is just addicted to coffee as i am, and has figguerd this out. so i wont to quite drinking coffee and avoid the migrains, IS IT POSSIBLE ?????????

Coffee isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Since it's a plant based drink, it has antioxidants like tea does. There were some recent studies that revealed that drinking a lot of coffee can help prevent certain cancers, especially in women. Caffine is the 'bad guy' in coffee, but even it isn't as horrible as many say. Rhe amount of caffine in coffee is less than in energy drinks.

As for the headaches, you're having caffine withdrawal. I drank lots of water and juices when I stopped drinking energy drinks. It doesn't cut them out completely, but it helps. So does slowly cutting down on the coffee. Instead of just cutting it out, slowly lower your intake. Drop a half a cup at a time if you're as concerned as you sound about your coffee consumption.

You must quit drinking coffee. I have only one vice and caffeine is it. Use to moderation not more than two cups per day and you will be fine. So I say why quit? But if you must the pain will go away in a few days.

you're probably addicted to the caffeine, so just pure caffeine and shoot up the stuff with each day a little less. just like if you were trying to quit smoking. if you're addicted to the other stuff then i question you humanity (just kidding)

Try mixing decaf with regular coffee, and then gradually blend more decaf until you are on straight decaf. It should keep the headaches away. Good luck.

You can probably do it if you don't go cold turkey. Start with smaller amounts of regular coffee, maybe switch to a lighter roast, then decaffe, then caffinated tea, then decaf tea, then regular tea and your done! You should also go to see your doctor about your migraines, they can perscibe you something for them. And when your really craving coffe, just think about how whiter your teeth will be and how much better your digestive system will be when you're no longer addicted!

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