Is fruit water just as good as plain water?!


Is fruit water just as good as plain water?

Pure fruit water is even better for you because you don't only supply your body with the healthy fluids it needs you also provide it with many vitamins that fruit water has over plain water...but only if you are talking about pure fruit water and not those water drinks with all the sugar and perservatives and artifical flavors...but if you don't drink water at all and you like fruit water well you are better off drinking it than sodas and coffee.

depends what you liek. im sure plain water is healthier but fruit water isnt bad, and i think ti taste better.

Yes, if there is no sugar or corn syrup sweeteners in the fruit water.

The body requires at least 8 glasses of water per day! Fruits and vegetables are also required.

One cannot replace the other!

it depends on your taste but i thing it tastes gross

Good fresh water is the best and maybe the fruit water will have additives and or lots of sugar.

As long as it has no sugars, no carbonation, no caffeine, no sodium then my doctor said it's the same as giving your body pure water! She even suggested using 'crystal light to go' which I do, so I know I'm getting my 5 or 6 - 16.9 oz bottles of water a day!!

no i think water tastes the BEST! u? '')

~Smile cause God loves you~

You can drink fruit water like Fruit2O and Aquafina FlavorSpalsh, but health wise it would not be the same a normal water. Water is important for the body. Your body can get water from Coca-Cola, tea, fruit, food, etc.

But, if you want to drink water for your health, spring water or filtered tap water is the best for you.

8 cups of water is recommended for you per day. Most people can't drink that much so they drink something that tastes better like flavored water. There is nothing wrong with it, but remember that you are putting a lot of strange chemicals in your body when you drink them.

Fruit2o has:

besides the water, do you know what the rest of those ingredients are? Do you care about filling yourself with those random chemicals?

Answer that, and you have your answer.

yes because it has flavor i think

My doctor once told me to be sure and drink
plenty of water. I explained I got a lot of water
from tea, fruit drinks, etc. He said that "didn't
get it". He said my body needed pure, unadulterated

He explained that when anything is added to water,
such as lemon, or sugar, cocoa, etc., that the
natural chemicals in water are broken down and
water looses some of its effect.

As George Carlin said.. isn't flavored water considered to be a soft-drink?
I think it depends on the maker but if you're looking to add flavor but keep the water pure.. add a little lemon.

i like just plain spring water

yes but only the lemon one..the lemon acts as an acid to help digest your food. If you add lemon to your water your stomach doesn't have to produce acid to breakdown your food and helps with heartburn and acid reflux

no you still need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Water retained from food does not count towards your 8 glasses a day

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