Is it possible for someone who like me, British, not like tea?!


Is it possible for someone who like me, British, not like tea?

i prefer ice tea and only drink hot tea when i'm sick. is it okay, since everyone loves tea in britain?

course it's okay. We all have verying likes and dislikes. it doesn't mean you are odd for not liking it hot.
Think it's because we are known as a nation liking tea that's hot that's all.
trends are changing now with all the different herbal and fruit teas on the market today.
i am a big tea drinker though

yes i hate the stuff yuck

I never drink tea or coffee - only water :)

i can't stand tea, to milky and tasteless for me...... i much prefer a strong coffee

There is no set rule, I hate coffee its just a matter of preference. :-)

Of course it is. Calm yourself. Worry about something else. Life is way too short!

I love tea, but it's ok not to like it. You gotta drink what you want.

I loathe tea.... always have and always will. I drink coffee and I am British

I'm British and don't like to drink tea.......not that I can't drink it, just prefer a nice chocolate mocha or straight coffee.

what a stupid question!!

yes i can't stand the smell of tea never mind the taste. And I'm 100% British.

I thought everyone liked tea in England. I dont like it either and only drink it when I am sick. There is nothing wrong with that, just because you are british it doesnt mean you have to like tea.

These questions are getting more stupid by the day, What is your IQ? not to high by looking at the question, there are a lot of British people who do not like tea, most probably as many as do like it. People do have different tastes in Britain as they do in every country in the world.

i am british and i love tea .....

Tea is only good in a crisis. And it's always referred to as "have a nice cup of tea dear".

I'm British and I haven't drank tea for 25 years. I'm a coffee drinker because tea makes me heave, I can't stand the taste, I don't know why.

What do you mean is it ok?of course it is.

If you don't like it then you don't like it. It doesn't matter that everyone else likes it, only if you do!

That's treason

Mrs Doyle will have your guts for garters, young lady!

Don't be silly. Of course it's ok!

Just because there's an outdated stereotype that all brits liek to sit aroudn drinking earl grey from out of antique china, doesn't mean we all do.

I'm japanese and don't touch sushi *shock horror*. But why should that matter? If you don't like it, you don't like it.

Of course it is OK. If the Queen should invite you to high tea be honest and RSVP for iced tea only though or you will have to have it hot. In USA we are exactly like that. We drank it iced as a continuing protest after the Boston Tea Party and that became a habit. We mostly drink hot tea if we are sick or out in a Chinese Restaurant. Except for our hoity toities who drink hot green tea as it is a fashion for health benefits (Read Fad)

Totally possible....I'm sure there are others like you... hehe
Good luck....

I'm English and have never liked to drink tea.

I don't drink it but my mother dispairs for me: whatever will i do if there is a crisis if i don't drink tea??!

Yes, of course! It is possible and okay, too.

Yes, totally possible. You must have been a Texas in your past life; we all drink iced tea all year round.

It is ok you can enjoy whatever you like

I enjoy tea white or with lemom

I don't think you're anyway strange for not liking hot tea but then I'm Irish and like strong tea. I don't know anyone who drinks ice tea - I thought only some folks in the US drank it. Maybe you just didn't like the blend or blends of tea that you've tasted so far. Some can be a bit strong so if you don't like strong teas such as Lapsan Souchong or the African blends, maybe you should try the milder or lighter teas like Assam, Earl Grey or the Sri Lankan ones.

Yes of course its okay. We all have different things that we like and dislike

Of course it is everyone has different tastes for likes and dislikes regardless of nationality xxx.

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