Why does my husband continue to drink coffee all day if he is already hyper?!


Why does my husband continue to drink coffee all day if he is already hyper?

My husband is driving me nuts. He has been drinking coffee all day and is on his second pot. He has been fidgeting since noon. He just can't sit still. Why does he continue to drink it if he has already gotten hyper from it? I am going to confiscate his grinder! He is currently smiling at me and laughing about the whole situation.

my guess is that he is addicted to the caffeine. we learned about this in cooking. also, it could be that since he see that it bugs you so much , he does it more often. if i were you, i would do two things. 1) i would act like it doesnt bug me, just totally ignore it, and 2) secretly switch his coffee to decaf, however, if he usually makes his own coffee and youre afraid he'll notice, just move the coffee grounds into one of those clear glass containers, and youre excuse can be "it looks nicer". goodluck :D

He's addicted to the caffeine.

It one of two things: He is either addicted to the caffeine or he is doing it just to annoy you.

Your husband is obviously addicted to the caffeine. He needs to start the process of drinking less coffee each day, until his intake is not causing him to fidget or be hyper.

let him have his coffee, it's obvoiusly one of the few pleasures he has left in life now that you have taken to incessantly nagging him, you could always help him work off some of that extra energy he seems to have

Caffine is actuly a kind of drug so he is addictied to it.

He could be addicted. People can develope a dependancy on caffiene. So basically he's like a junkie and can't stop himself, or incredibly immature because he's not a kid getting hyped up on mountain dew, he's an adult and should know his limit. Purposely inducing a manic state in yourself shows a lack of control and consideration, eventually you come down from that high and are cranky. This link is a quiz on caffiene addiction: http://www.caffeineawareness.org/quiz.ht...
You may want to show him the dangers and sober him up.

Remember that coffee is a very addicting drink due to the high caffeine content. I would have him stop drinking his coffee, and have him lie down to "sleep it off". Also, don't be surprised if he exhibits insomnia-like symptoms tonight.

In the long term, have him drink gradually less coffee every day. This will slowly lessen his dependence. This method works like Nicorette patches if you were trying to quit smoking.

I really hope you aren't being sarcastic when you say you are going to confiscate his grinder!

HE is building up energy for good sex tonight

Caffeine Addiction.....
I am also a Coffee-holic and ya know what? That addiction for caffiene is seriously horrible...Causes headaches, lack of energy....even a feeling of withdrawal.....

lol.. that's funny, maybe he likes the taste or he's trying to be funny.

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