If you mix baking soda and water and a flavouring would that make soda pop?!
If you mix baking soda and water and a flavouring would that make soda pop?
No. If you mix water and flavor and put it in one of those soda bottles that cartoon characters squirt at each other (they use a CO2 charger) it makes soda.
No. Soda is made with carbonated water, sugar and flavoring. If you put baking soda in water you would have an antacid.
No it would give you a mess. Soda is carbonated. It doesn't have baking soda. You can buy machines that will corbonate a beverage if you're so inclined. Any good housewares department will have them.
no...baking soda and water does not make carbonated soda water....
Nope, but you can use dry Ice, it kind of works, people make home made root beer all the time with that.
no just a gross drink. :P