Coca-cola addiction?!


Coca-cola addiction?

i dont drink alcoholic beverages
i dont smoke
therefore i dont have any bad addictions, right?
wrong. i am addicted to coca cola
i actually cant live without it
i tried over and over again throughout the years but i am unable to give it up.
my tongue actually goes dry and i crave the taste
i have mood swings and i want it there and then
nothing helps
is it just me or are there people out there like me?
please any advice on how to quit! thanks

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3 months ago
most of u are right its the caffeine

3 months ago
i have grateful to you guys for answering
ther so many helpful answers that i cant choose one
i will leave it up to you guys to make that decision for me.

3 months ago
most of u are right its the caffeine

3 months ago
i have grateful to you guys for answering
ther so many helpful answers that i cant choose one
i will leave it up to you guys to make that decision for me.

You can help overcome the addiction by increasing your intake of water. Yes, I am aware it sounds cliche, and tooo many people blindly throw that out as an option, but as a former total caffeine addict, I can tell you how it works. The water helps to flush the caffeine from your system. If necessary, take some sort of pain killer (like ibuprofen or something like that) the first day you quit, if needed. The water will also take away some of your ability to drink soda, seeing as you can't drink soda when you're drinking water.

it could be the caffine in it, speak to doc,
fizzy drinks are worse for body than cigs and booze

it'll be the caffeine in it i'm sure
cant stand the stuff me sen mind tastes way too sweet for me

isnt it just the caffine addiction that you crave ? - you could try one of those 'zero' colas on the market too .

I know how you feel
just but 1 per day and limit yourself. start with 2 if you must. ask yourself, when do I want it ? with food? in the morning? etc,,, and go for it good luck :)

I used to drink a lot of coke but one day I just stopped.

If you are addicted to the taste then start drinking other fizzy drinks so you still get the same sensation but you get used to another taste. Then stop drinking fizzy drinks and then move on to something else like fruit juices or something.

I have a cousin who drinks a minimum of 3 litres of coke light every day and is cranky whether she drinks it or not. Sheesh.

1. cold turkey
2. drink water instead

I used to be addicted to diet coke. In the end I was drinking obscene amounts and it ended when I had an extremely bad headache. They put so much caffeine and junk in the stuff that it is a geniunely addictive substance.
I went cold turkey to get it over with which involves bracing yourself, sitting on your hands and persisting. Strangely enough it wasn't that bad and didn't make me feel as ill and the diet coke.
The other alternative is to gradually reduce the amount your drinking over time until you come off it all together. Reduce it by about 25% each week or something.
Good luck.

I feel for you. My girlfriend drinks anywhere from 12-18 cans a day! Thank god for coke rewards!!! She's the same way, has to have it when she wants it. Very moody when she's out of diet coke. I'd rather her drink as many diet cokes as she wants, then to see her when she doesn't have them!!

Its the caffeine, i was addicted to it and drank at least 8 cans a day, i am now diabetic and had to stop drinking it, it took me a month of headaches and tiredness before i felt better, but now im addicted to diet coke, and now cant drink any other soft drink....

Yes, I was addicted to diet coke for many years, I could never drink just one can always 3 or 4 before I was satisfied and nothing else would quench my thirst.

I knew I had to stop because it was bad. The caffeine, the gas and the sugars all cause long term damage to you skin, bowel and teeth.

I decided to switch to clear fizzy drinks to get myself off the coke and I found I was able to drink less of them. Eventually I started to drink more water and fruit juice and now I don't touch any fizzy drinks whatsoever unless I'm having my favourite Brandy and Coke whenever I go out dancing. Fabulous!!

it is true cocacola is addictive my boyfriend, dad, and mom have all had that problem its an addiction of choice for most people they no that they are addicted they usually dont mind but if you are wanting to quit and give it up try switching to cherry soda or some other soday first that has no cafine in it or sprite i no that it wont satisfy your craving but tht is why its an addiction keep trying also try suppleminting for a favorite tea, or juice i no its not the same as a coke but its a start

i don't drink alot of soda, but my friend has to have his diet coke everyday, he can drink a six pack by himself, i don't know why but it seems to calm his nerves.

Its not as addictive as alcohol, you will soon get sick of it. Yeah, they are many people like you, mostly 5 year olds.

I'm like that but i smoke i think its the caffeine in it what make you crave it more sometimes i have to have coke first thing in the morning but you have to be careful it can start to make you feel bloated and before you know it you start to put the weight on. coke is also very gassy try and drink water that's what I'm starting to do you body don't crave much sugar in take then!!!

I am addicted to it as well but I stopped and I now only drink water! We only have bottles of water in the fridge and I only have pop as a treat! I love water now and its OK. Try it.

My sis is like you; totally hooked on coca cola; she agrees it's the caffiene, cos until recently she drank at least ten mugs of black strong coffee a day. Then she collapsed at work with chest pains, and after being admitted to hospital, was found to have an irregular heartbeat due to the large amounts of caffiene in her body. the doctor gave her a lecture on the hazards of taking in too much caffiene - and for once in her life she listened.
so now the coffee is almost gone; she's down to three mugs a day, and she now has it as a latte; and keeps the oca cola to one can a day. she's lost loads of weight, she thinks it was cutting down on the coke that did it.

My boyfriend was like you but coke is partly responsible for his kidney disease and he had to completely stop drinking it nd is now awating a kidney transplant!

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