Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?!


Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?

It seems like everyone likes Pepsi better, but personally I prefer water... Anyway, they both taste the same to me ... whats the difference besides the names??

i like coke better and water is good too if you dont want to get fat..

they did a test on them and they found out that pepsi is sweeter.

coke also uses different ingredients and is more fizzy and less sweet.

if they were the same then one of the companies would get sued for copying the product...

and EW i saw a video about someone who took out two pieces of meat that werent refrigerated or cooked and they poured coke all over them and ALL THESE WORMS STARTED CRAWLING OUT OF THEM and my friend said it was parasites.

pepsi max or ice cold coke

PEPSI when I drink soda which is very rare. Other than that give me some water or juice.

Pepsi is way stronger than Coke which is sweet to me.

For me I prefer Pepsi, but my parents prefer Coke. I don't know if it's just a thing that whatever children grow up with, or just the taste they enjoy. For me Coke tastes bland, but my parents enjoy it. Who really knows why people have different tastes, but we all do.

I love Diet Pepsi... Coke is too sweet.

Pepsi all the way!

Actually, I don't like either one any more.

You should try the Korean Tea drink (cold) made from Cinnammon, usually drank at meal time. I can't immediately remember the name, but it is great-tasting.

It's a little sweet, but not overpowering.

defenetly coke!!!!!

OMG def COKE! I am addicted to Coca Cola. I won't even touch a Pepsi. If a restruarant has Pepsi products and not Coke I get something else all together. Pepsi always tastes flat. Coke has a lot of carbonation and is DELICIOUS!

ok,. i dont usually drink the crap, i stick with seirra mist if i have to drink soda, but i like coke better, pepsi goes flat too quick and just tastes gross!!


I think Pepsi is sweeter, and coke got more acid in it, hell back in the day they used to used extracts of coca leaves to put in coke hence the name. I will always stick to my good ol' sweet iced tea, but coke has more uses, put a rusty nail in coke overnight and see what you get in the morning or for instance a piece of meat.

gimme a Pepsi any day. Coke is a joke.

Coke is better.

i like coke becuase of the colors and pepsi just imitated them. You do all know that cocacla was here first right? its #1!GO COKE!

I'm a Coca-cola girl myself..Pepsi is just like drinking a glass of raw sugar.
Coke is good to get those burps up and out...

I was a die hard Pepsi person, but my spouse is a die hard Coke person. Due to the expense of buying separate types, we bought the cheapo brands until we found one we both agreed on. Which is now Shasta cola. Neither of us can handle drinking our old favorites. We both find them to be to sweet now.
We both agree on drinking a lot of water.

diet cherry coke

Diet coke with lime is the best

prefer pepsi

pepsi..they dont taste ne thing alike big difference

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