How old do you have to be to work at dunkin donuts or gamestop in ny state?!
How old do you have to be to work at dunkin donuts or gamestop in ny state?
Probably 16 but they might accept 15 year olds as well
I think its sixteen.......i dunno its sixteen in tx
16, or 15 with working papers, and you can only work limited hours, and have to keep the grades up.
I worked at a Dun-kin' donuts in Jamestown, NY when I was 16, but I knew the owner. Usually the work age, front counter, is 16. The reason I say front counter is they started making the dough and sugar toppings at about 4:00 in the morning. Most youngsters don't need to be getting up that early. Believe me, it shows at my age, you will need your sleep and a good breakfast, not just donuts and coffee, for the full ability for your brain to grow. There really is a reason your mom keeps after you for this.
You have to be at least 17 to work at Gamestop.