What exactly does water do for you?!


What exactly does water do for you?

does it make u have more energy?your not so tired? or what? and whats bad about soda?

I love water, don't you?

Water hydrates you whereas soda dehydrates you

makes you wee.

Water flushes your system out. Sodas have sugars in them. Sugars drain your energy. It may give you a quick boost, but it will drain you that fast too.

Water hydrates your body with necessary fluids.There are fluids that your brain needs to feed on.Soda is not bad for you per say, just limit it.The carbonation and sodium are really the culprits.Water does help to clear infections thru your body while you take antibiotics, so yes you should try to drink water daily---when you are thirsty, drink up...

Water is needed for just about every chemical reaction your body does. So a lack of it could stop you from digesting sugar, which could cause a lack of energy, though the water itself contains no energy for your body.

While some people say that soda is really, really bad, the bad stuff you definitely know is that each soda has half the sugar of a candy bar, so you can see how making it your drink of choice would be bad for your waistline. Artificial sweetners have their own problems, so going diet isn't the answer either. Finally, many people believe that carbonated water is less useable by your body than flat water. Also, the water you use up to digest all that sugar is a large amount--soda won't rehydrate you like water can--a lot of the water in it is used up digesting it.

Your body is 70% water ... but your brain is 90% water.

Many times, headaches are from lack of straight water ... no additives

It hydrates you and helps flush out the toxins in your body.

All chemical reactions in your body take place in water. All your cells need water to get the nutrients to them and to take out the waste products. It does not give you energy. It clears waste so you feel less tired. It cools you down, driken on a hot day. Soda is considered empty calories because it has sugar but no vitamins, minerals or protein that your body needs. Most people get too many calories to waste them on a drink that does not give them anything else but artificial color, flavor and preservatives.

water replenishes you and hydrates you when your body water is lost. it has no nutritonal values so there is no energy gained. it basically cleans your system out while replacing lost water. soda on the other hand can somtimes be bad for you. besides discoluring your teeth it can make you gain unwanted weight and somtimes diabetes. some people see it as unhealthy because it can make you lose your body water and make you dehydrated. i personally don't care and dink as much soda as i can get my hand on.

Soda makes you fat, water makes you healthy simple as that

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