Do you still buy pints of milk or do you?!


Do you still buy pints of milk or do you?

buy those big bottles from the shops?

I used to have a milkman but he didn't arrive til about miday, so I now buy the cartoons........

I have milk delivered from the milkman 4 days a week,but top up with super market milk when needed.I just can't bear the thought of losing the old English custom of milkmen.Poor old Ernie.

i used to have milk delivered but now i just but those long life cartons from asda there cheaper

I don't buy any milk at all.

I buy 1/2 gallons from the grocery store.

i express my own,.... Anyone fancy a nice cuppa tea?....

I buy gallons from the store.

I'm jealous of people that have a milkman and have it delivered. Sad to say I buy 1/2 gallons in plastic containers at the market

I used to have a milk man but stopped it after the milk kept being stolen by the local scrags. I now get supermarket milk but would prefer to just have it delivered daily.

It's just a shame milk people these days don't work the hours that they used to. At one time, they delivered at around 5am, nowadays, it's more likely to be lunchtime so the milk's left on the step all day - if doesn't find legs.

I buy the big containers from the shops, before that it was direct from a farm, I haven't bought pint bottled for years.

i have mine delivered to my door step every morning by the milkman

Hi, we used to get the milk in pints ages ago then we went to bottled but then they go to dear, so now we use the long life uht milk which is cheaper and taste just the same and is lower in fat, if you get the skimmed one.

I have toddler and a preschooler who absolutely soak up milk along with my cooking!
I buy 6pters that last just over a day and a half.

When I lived in a large town I had it delivered - then the little brats started nicking it on their way to school so i started buying from the supermarket, then when i moved out to the village im in now there isnt a milkman, so still have to go to Tesco! its a pain, id rather have a fresh pint every morning.

get mine from the supermarket as its cheaper and when you have to watch the pennies it has to be done.

i buy gallons, cause hun, trust me it lasts! lol

Milkman delivers, but I keep a few long life cartons in cupboard for emergencies.

I haven't had milk from a milkman since I lived summers as a little kid in a small town, with the dairy farm as our next door neighbor. We used to wake up every morning to the sound of the squeaky brakes on the farmer's delivery truck stopping by and his daughter jumping out and slamming the truck door to leave our milk. Now that I live in the real world I go for the practical big containers from the supermarket. I can't afford the price of nostalgia nowadays.

We don't have milkmen in this part of the country; I buy the litre or two litre containers; I really miss the glass milk bottles(I live in Ireland; they phased out glass bottles years ago.)

I still get my milk delivered daily. i hate the thought of loosing the milkman, he has to make a living too.

Pints of milk are for single people
with not very many visitors.
I have to buy the four pinta.

Not exactly pints as I can only find litres for my particular brand, but those great big bottles... never.

pints delivered to my doorstop by the milkman

I have a milkman deliver to me an i buy from the supermarkets....

I go to the Yorkshire dales for my holidays ,where you can walk to the farm at the top of the village .The farm there does its own milking and you can always find glass bottles of milk ,on the wall outside their door .You just take what you want and leave the money on the wall. Some days they don't even bother to pick the money up .Now that is the country for you ,wonderful ,.Lets hope the toe rags of this world never find out about country living ,fresh air and honesty.Let them continue in misery as its too late for this generation but there is always hope for the next one

Where do you live that sells pints of milk?

I buy half gallons from the grocery store. It comes in a cardboard container.

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