Is coffee bad for you?!


Is coffee bad for you?

In large amounts, yes. But anything is bad for u in large amounts, isn't it? I don't recommend it be given to children under 12 though.
When u drink coffee, which, of course, contains caffeine, the heart rate goes up, and it will wake u up, but if u have ever drank several cups of coffee in succession, u will know what it can do to u. U feel euphoric, perhaps a little light headed, u can't sit still and eventually it can make u feel nauseous. .
Caffeine can be addictive and the withdrawal symptoms can include headaches, nausea and vomiting, irritability and insomnia. That's why it's not recommended for little ones.
But if u like coffee, go ahead and drink it, in small amounts it's fine.

It really does stain your teeth over a long period of time...

yes its addictive
stains your teeth
and has 2 much caffeen in it!!!

It's good for your Soul.

Coffee is addictive , it makes you want more, and more.
After a while, it will stain your teeth.
it also has a high ammount of caffeen in it.
So i say its ok like 1 or 2 a day but dont get too crazy!

and i agree.. its good for your soul. 0:) lol

well let me is like kind of bad for you but if you drink aliitle it might be ok....but remember coffee is like a drug once you drank it you can stop

its good for the heart. in moderation though!


No its not bad for you. It does contain caffeine, which some people are sensitive to and they experience side effects from ingesting caffeine products. I wouldn't drink a lot of coffee throughout the day, I would recommend tea. its healthier and has less caffeine for the most part.

yes unless ure an aldult

si you are fat

There seem to be a lot of 'experts' who like their name in print and waffle on about what is good or bad for us. Often their 'research' is incomplete, incompetant or sponsoured by a whacko fringe group or some other vested interest. Who are some of these people anyway ? How does the media define an expert ? I suspect that an 'expert' is someone who makes any kind of news that will in the long run give their CEOs a bigger bonus.

My doctor recommended that I drink a cup of coffee a day on a full stomach and this would act as a mild, and great tasting suppressant to ashtma attacks. Well, my doctor doesn't drive a porsche fore nothing - it worked. I don't get the attacks anymore and I've thrown away the inhaler full of those nasty steroids.

Most things in moderation are good for you, even coffee. Anyone for a cappuccino ?


It's good for pulsing and heart And either way it's bad for brain and nerves veins and you feel isolated without coffee.

It has a lot of caffeine, and you can get addicted to it. If you drink like 4 or 5 cups of coffee a day, it can do damage to your body.

Id say in large amounts it would be...
But it is worse for the pregnant and lactating woman...
I would of thought cola was worse for you though ever put a coin in that stuff lol...

No, but too much of anything is bad for you.

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