How Do You Stop Drinking Soda?!


How Do You Stop Drinking Soda?

I wanted to quit drinking Coke, so here's what I did:

First, switch from Coke to Coke's not that bad, and Coke Zero has no calories, no carbs.

Next, after you have completely switched to Coke Zero, switch to Sprite Zero. Just like Coke Zero, Sprite Zero has nothing AND it's clear...just like water...see where I'm going?

Then, start drinking a mixture of 1/2 Sprite Zero and 1/2 cold water.

Finally, switch to water. This program worked for me, remember baby steps is the key to quitting anything.

Like smoking; Cigarettes-Cigars-Pipe tobacco-nicotine gum-quit.

just start forcing yourself to drink lots of water

Don't buy anymore and if you have any, pour it down the drain. Now, even if you want it, you can't have it.

I drink tea and sometimes I put lemon in it to get a different flavor.I am trying to cut back on sugar.The longer I go without soda, the better I am, but I still go to restaurants and thats what I want to order, good luck!!

Start drinking juice and water for a long time...and get in the will FORGET about soda!!!

i have the same problem. quit buying it and buy something else to drink. Like jucies,and water lots of water.

find something better like a healthy drink mabey say sobi iced tea its healthy and nutricous

Don't buy it. Soda is one of many things that makes some people unhealthy. If anyone offers you soda, then say no. Try and start to drink healthier drinks like iced tea, milk, water(can be flavored), and sometimes fruit juices like orange juice or apple juice. I love apple juice.

It's like literally impossible...believe me I've tried. However, I do drink 1-2 bottles of water a day, and a cup of water before bed, as well as some soda. I'm like addicted to the fizz.

replace soda consumption with Water

just drink less and less of it as the days go by, because soda is damn good. especially orange and sprite! the less you buy it you'll forget about it and sooner than you know it you'll be stopped completely. you have to try different types of juices also. find one you love to drink. i drink soda every once in a while but i have to really feel for it.


you can't

You need to have a mind set. If you think of it from a calorie set. Soda maybe 110 calories per serving. Cut the soda so you can have those "empty calories" for something else. You cannot just drink water, it get's boring. Try tea, juice, crystal light, or something else. Tell your self I can treat myself to a soda on Saturday. Then have it on Saturday.
***Do not keep alot at home, if you want it make yourself go get it at the store***

I usually drink soda when I go to dinner with friends, or once in a while at work. I was addicted to soda for years. I drank a 6 pack a day, and 1 was before bed. So it worked for me, give it a try!

i like making lemonade with perrier

u just start drinking lots and lots of water or something else that is not soda.


dont buy it. just get juice, or water, or even flavored water instead.

example .. you're drinking soda and can't stop ... clear your mind ......... put down the cup/can of soda .......... step away from the soda ... look away ..

and continue with life .

Don't buy it.

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