What happens if you drink expired milk?!


What happens if you drink expired milk?

right now im drinking milk that was expired for 1 day

You can get sick if the milk is spoiled, makes sure you smell it first before tasting it carefully.

The police come and arrest you. It may be a federal offense!
Hide the evidence!

You drink cottage cheese...

You're continuing to drink expired milk..?

That's brilliant!

if it tastes fine then theres no problem,,but if its actually old i think you just get like a stomach ache from itt

Nothing. It should be fine. It is only a guideline, as it did not turn rancid at 12:00am last night. :)

first of all eww, secondly u might have an upset tummy or maybe ull feel fine

i go "bleh, disgusting, and throw it away."
drink water you'll be better off

Well, if it's not cottage cheese yet, and you're keeping it down...no problem...you'll just have some funky breath!

the expiration date is usually set for a couple of days later than it says, one day wont hurt

usually you just get an upset stomach which can be cured by elka seltzer.

Sometimes nothing happens. I drank milk today that had a date of the 19th on it, it smelled fine and I drank it and I feel fine too.

Nothing will happen. If it tastes good - its good.

Nothing....milk is still good 10 days past the expiration date.

And u haven't been sitting on a toilet Shitting your guts out and worse puking your *** off!
get good milk, u might just be puting day old milk bacteria in your gut!

1 day... lol! I'm was thinking as in chunky expired milk. Nevermind. You're fine. As someone said earlier. It's just a guideline.

Not much. The reason expired milk exists it to turn it into other products. Cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, sour cream whatever. (Did you think they just threw it a way?)

it not going to kill you it just taste really bad.

I regulary have this issue. We live in a very cold house...so milk takes a long time to go bad. Couple that with my g/f being quite thrifty and being less sensitive to food that is borderline "bad" than me and you get arguments.

Basically - the date stamps on food etc serve two purposes. Firstly as a guide to plan how long they will last and be useable and secondly to cover companies backsides in a legal sense; it means folks cant sue from getting ill if they consumed something after the marked date.

However - these dates are produced by testing under "average" conditions. If your milk is kept sealed in a fridge that is close to freezing point it will stay safely drinkable well past the marked date. I've drunk milk up to two weeks after the marked date when its been kept as such. Just use common sense...if it smells or tastes bad - dont drink it!

Milk should be good for 7 days past the printed expiration date. That's a sell by date for the grocer. If it smells sour, don't drink it though because it could make you sick to your stomach.

You're only in trouble if the milk smells sour, or looks it. If it still tastes fresh, you're ok.

if it is expired for ONLY a day, thats not too bad. if its over 3 or 4 days though, you could get really sick.

have diarrhoea.

it will spoil and have a sour smell,,just open the container and smell it,,

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