Am i addicted to pepsi?!


Am i addicted to pepsi?

can u become as addicted to pepsi as u can to drugs or smoking ?????????i drink i all the time when i dont have one i freak out! i will spend my last dollars on pepsi and i get pissed whne my mom trys to make me quit drinking it yet i dont do drugs drink or smoke so could this be my addiction or do i just really love it? so far i drank 30oz in the past 10 hours this is very common

YES, you are a Pepsi addict. You are probably addicted to the CAFFEINE in Pepsi. Aside from Pepsi's caffeine and sugar content, one thing that differs between Coke & Pepsi is the citric acid content. Coca-Cola has more phosphoric acid and Pepsi has more citric acid.

So your addition (aside from what I have already mentioned) may also be your body screaming for Vitamin C, however, instead of orange juice, you are drinking Pepsi, so your body is not really getting the Vitamin C it needs.

Go cold turkey on Pepsi. Instead, supplement your beverage drinking day with water and try orange juice. If your craving for Pepsi stops - you are needing Vitamin C and will have satisified the addiction/craving. If you are still craving Pepsi, you are craving the caffeine. And while caffeine is a much better addiction to have than other addictions, it can result in sleep deprivation, and affect your body's absorption of calcium and magnesium, bringing on Osteoperosis, quickly.

Over time, the carbonation is going to destroy the enamel on your teeth and the acid will affect your stomach lining if consumed at the rate you are going.

Slowly wean yourself from the stuff. Trust me........ once you start substituting beverages (fruit juice and water) - you really won't miss the Pepsi like you think. And once you've been off Pepsi for awhile, soon you won't even crave it.

Good luck!

I agree! You are definitely having an addiction to the Pepsi product. However, speaking from experience, quitting cold turkey is going to give you the great granddaddy of all headaches. All the Tylenol, Advil, etc. in the world isn't going to touch it. I would definitely get away from it. Part of the "addiction" is a mental thing. I did smoke and when I knew I was going to quit it was even worse. I looked at the pack and told myself "I only have 8 left" or "I better make this count" or "man, this is my last one" and I would sabotage myself every time. I think the same thing goes with many addictions. I have quit successfully, by the way! Back to the caffeine headache though... If you drink water (and I don't mean a wimpy little sip) you will hydrate yourself and counteract some of the effects. Other than that it's a just get through it type of thing. Also, 10 hours is just over the normal workday/schoolday...30 ounces is only 1 and a half bottles. That's a bottle at lunch and sipping for the remainder of the day which isn't as bad as it sounds.

Yes you can and you will have withdrawls and have headaches too if you try to quit

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