Is there really any point to bottled water?!


Is there really any point to bottled water?

I think they're ripping us off.


You are exactly right,bottled water companies ARE RIPPING CONSUMERS OFF!! I know that I am going to get flamed by alot of people for saying this,but bottled water and the price of cases of bottled water are ridiculous!! You would be amazed at the amount of bottled water that I have seen people buy,and it costs alot for just one case of it!! Did you know that there was an experiment done on the t.v. show 20/20 about a year ago,and they tested some of the most popular brands of bottled water and guess what they found? ALOT of the bottled water that is out on the market,come from the Detroit,Michigan river,or from some other rivers and people are actually drinking river water,NOT CLEAN,Purified water like alot of bottled water companies try to claim that they are or use to bottle their water!!

Scientists have proven that if you drink the water out of your own kitchen sink,it is better for you,and it SO MUCH MORE AFFORDABLE,than buying water bottled by the cases and spending a fortune for it! I know that alot of people will say that water is better for you than pop or juice is and that is true,but your own kitchen sink water is better for your health than the river water from Detroit,Michigan is!! ;-)

I have seen actual studies done on t.v. on news channels about the bottled water companies,and how their bottled water really isn't as PURE as you think it is!! ;-)

Well, if I'm out and I need a drink of water, I'm not going to go to a public bathroom to get it. That's why I buy it rather than all the other sugary drinks around when I go out.

They are. They took out all the bacteria that make 80% of the water supplies in the US tainted. I hate clean water, we should all get refunds.

Well, the answer is that is cleaner and purified! sum ppl can't stand tap water with all the different chemicals in it!

I agree. BTW, what many people don't know is that bottled water is not subject to the same rigorous standards of testing that even public (city) water is.

I have personal knowledge of tests run on standard "store brand" bottled water that showed high concentrations of organic chemicals such as benzene. I would wager anything that NYC public water, for instance, is much cleaner than most bottled water.

I agree with you, those of us who were a kid during the 60's and 70's drank water from the faucet and it didn't kill us, I still drink it but now I use a water filter on the spigot. I buymy own plastic sippy bottles and fill them up from home and sip on that while I'm out so I don't have to buy bottled water while out of the house....and just wash them in a tiny bit of bleach and dish liquid and reuse (the kind that comes with your ten speed bike)

Yes, there's a point. Instead of drinking gross water from faucets, people make great tasting fresh water in convient bottles to drink! Besides, if we just drank tap water, we wouldn't always have it cuz sometimes the water is low or gets shut off or something.

me too
because water is free in i think all your doing is paying for the bottle.which is totally stupid
but the good thing is that they are reusuable

That depends entirely on which bottled waters and which tap waters you refer to!

Bottled water ranges from tap water from Cincinnati (just picking a spot here) to tap water from artesian wells in Tennessee... to tap water that's had some things removed from it (at a plant or with a home filter setup)... to distilled water which has had all the "taste" things and all the chlorine removed from it (only available in the large bottles used with crocks, I think).

Those can all taste very-very different!

Tap water itself varies widely depending on how many minerals it contains, which ones, and how much taste they may have, as well as how much chlorine may have been added.
So tap water can taste anywhere from truly-terrible to very good, depending on where it's come from and also how it's been treated after that.

If the tap water in the city or rural area where you live tastes reasonably good, then buying bottled tap water *is* a rip off... especially since many are sold somewhat deceptively.
But... if you live in a place where the tap water is terrible, bottled tap water would almost always be an improvement.

I buy the large bottles of distilled water myself because that has no taste at all (actually tastes just fresh and even a bit "sweet" to me compared to most tap water).
I find I drink a lot more water than I ever have before just because it tastes so much better (...distilled water has no trace minerals, but that's not a problem for me because I get them from my reasonably good diet).

Small bottles of bottled water are really conventient sometimes too, especially when used instead of soda, etc.

Diane B.

so do i!!! ive been asking people the same question.. i guess its good in a way cuz in foreign countries at least you know its clean..

They are ripping us off.
Refill the bottle with tap water and put in the refridge
if you can't tell the difference between a bottle of spring
water or tap water you're getting ripped off.

No of course not when ever im out jogging i just cup my hands fill them with tap water and when i get thirsty i just drink from my hands. My hands are way cleaner than the inside of a plastic bottle that no human hands have ever touched.

No, you can just find an old bottle of water, pour in some tap water, and refigerate the bottle. There, you have bottled water for free, instead of $5 a bottle.

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