Can you tell when something tastes "diet"?!


Can you tell when something tastes "diet"?

i can. that wierd aftertaste.... eww.
i can't explain it. anybody else here that can tell the differnce between regular drinks and diet drinks?

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3 months ago
nope.pepsi 1 and coke zero still taste different to me.

3 months ago
nope.pepsi 1 and coke zero still taste different to me.

diet coke tastes better than regular coke

Yes I can. It does have a different, weird taste that you know it shouldn't have.

when it tastes like crap

The non calorie sweeter they use leaved the bitter after taste

of course. nothing tastes like the real thing.

Me too.

A few years ago I tried switching to diet pop to save calories.

Then I ended up eating candy bars out of the vending machine in the afternoon.

After gaining 3 or 4 pounds is dawned on me, I had replaced my afternoon caffeine/sugar fix for a fat/sugar fix.


Needless to say, if I drink soda, I drink regular.

Diet sodas are lighter in taste, "no sugary aftertaste". Regular drinks, are heavy and you can really taste the sugar/and or caffeine. Now they are some brands like Coke and Fanta that makes a hybrid called "zero" and in Pepsi's case they are called Pepsi 1. It's between a regular and diet cola. Coke Zero and Pepsi 1 have less sugar in it, and tastes more like a regular soda, than a diet. It's an alternative to those who don't like regular soda or diet soda. Try it.

Absolutely - but unlike a lot of the previous answers I have been drinking diet for years and now get grossed out when I drink regular sodas - they taste too think and syrupy to me now and I don't feel like they quench my thirst

I hate the taste of NutraSweet, which is the brand name for aspartame. You can usually find aspartame in the ingredient list of diet drinks. I have the same reaction, though less intense, for drinks made with Splenda (sucralose, I think). I can wince through a drink made with Splenda, if need be...I avoid aspartame like the plague. Can't chew gum made with either one.

And I know it's not just that I'm expecting something extremely sweet and disappointed by something less sweet. I tried some flavored water once - several friends drink the stuff like there's no tomorrow. I opened up a bottle, expecting to taste water with a raspberry flavor...and I did, but there was that awful "diet" taste. I checked the label, and the only ingredients were water, some sort of raspberry extract or flavoring, and...aspartame.

Yes; Actually almost all diet food or drinks has its own corresponding regular flavor. For example, regular coke and diet coke. If you have tasted regular coke, you could easily identify the diet one because its less sweet and has less "spirit" or carbon. The diet foods and drinks always has the less flavor compared to the regular ones.

Aspartame and saccharine and all the fake sweetners taste gross to me.
I like iced tea with no sugar and lots of lemon.

Yeah. Diet Coke taste like pepsi. And diet pepsi taste like Sh**

Yes, I can definitely tell, and I hate those commercials that say you can't! Diet pop also gives me a headache. I gave up pop altogether a few years ago, and I don't miss it.

ask hippie he will tell u the most stupidous answer there is

It has a funky aftertaste, and the sweetness varies.
For instance, Diet Dr. Pepper is much sweeter than regular, but diet energy drinks are more sour than their regular counterparts.

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