Coke vs Pepsi?!


Coke vs Pepsi?

Which one do you like the best?...if none, why?..and what do you think makes it so good/bad.

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3 months ago

3 months ago

I think Coca~ Cola or coke tastes better, of course, that is my opinion, but Also it depends on what you like, Pepsi is perfect for people who like sweet, with not a lot of gas beberages, Coca~ Cola is more of the drink that will pump you up!, and refresh you, while giving you a taste of pure gas and coca flavor !

pepsi definitely. coke just doesnt taste right

to me both are the sme but i perfer pepsi cus thats the only thing thats available at my house lol my husband 4 sum reason dsnt lik coke

i love Moxie
its the best

Coke all the way.

Pepsi because it is sweeter than coke and it has less carbination and i like it better because it has better flavor!

Coke is the best

Coke!! Pepsi is to sweet

100% Coke. I love the way it burns going down on a hot day when the soda is ice cold. Pepsi is too sweet.

EAZY----- PEPSI because coke leaves a bad after taste.

Coke 100 percent! pepsi is just too sweet while coke has a punch!

I like Coke better. Coke was the first mass produced of all of the cola products on the market so I think that they really "know" what cola should taste like. For me Pepsi is to sweet tasting and very thin in overall flavor.

Pepsi, or RC Cola, My grandma had them so it was always a treat to get a soda....thats what i am use to, so coke doesnt taste the same

COKE ALL THE WAY Pepsi is like to sweet or something I like coke a whole lot better which 1 do u like?


I drink Pepsi because it doesnt make me burp like coke does

I think Pepsi tastes better!

Pepsi, if you plan on drinking in straight. It's sweet and doesn't mix well with alcohol.

Coke, if you plan on mixing an alcoholic beverage. It's not a sweet or overpowering cola and compliments alcohol well.


I like water!!'s healthier :)

None, and you know why?...because they both cause osteoporosis [a disease in the bones] and other kind of diseases... Water, and other beverages are healthier, and also cure your thirsts like coke or Pepsi can't do.

i like Pepsi, it has less gasses than coke...

I have a theory regarding the superiority of Coke over Pepsi.

The people from Pepsi raid the Dumpsters behind the Coke factory at night. They take all the Cokes that did not pass quality control, and take them to their own company, bottle and repackage them, and sell them for a jacked-up price. This explains why all Pepsi tastes like a Coke that has sat out in the sun for a few hours.

Coke is way better. I have done the Pepsi taste test 3 times and I alway pick Coke (that's because it is better :)


i love Coke.Well because it has a more taste to it than pepsi well pepsi is more sweet and coke it's just really good better than pepsi.




PEPSI! duh but I like coke to.

i think coke is better because when i drink pepsi taste flat and has no taste and coke is so much better becuase its more crisp and sweeter.

Let's see:

Coke: bold and carbonated

Pepsi: sweet and flat as hell


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