Is it true|?..?!


Is it true|?..?

my friend said that she went to america and when she went into a fast food restaurant she asked for a drink of coke and she said that they gave her this massive bucket sorta thing and told her to fill it up with that what they do in america?

Hi Baby,

I'm sorry you got so many rude answers to your perfectly sound question. The answer is, "yes." They do that in many fast food restaurants in the US. There are small, medium, large, and king size drinks. What your friend ordered was a mega-large drink -- or, as some Americans refer to them -- "Bladder-Kill."

It's all true. Cheers.

They do it lots of places, even some in the U.K. many service stations and fast food places do. ; )

No, it's not true unless she ASKED for a "bucket."

I don't know what part of America your friend went to, nor what part of America the 4 people who gave me thumbs down are from... but where I come from, we don't drink out of anything the size of a bucket, nor do any stores or restaurants give you a cup that is that large.

We do however, offer free refills at nearly all restaurants and places of the like.

yeah its true, i went to orlando last year and they gave me a big bucket cup and you just take it over to the drinks section and fill it up as many times as you want while you are in the restaurant.

Ooh, some people got out of bed on the wrong side this morning! Surely, we don't know until we ask, and that's the whole point of this site??
We apologise for our ignorance.
I thought it was a fair question.

In some places yes. Most places give free refills of coke anyway.

I live in the UK and I would love to live in America, everything is so much bigger and better.
The only thing in this country that gets bigger is our tax bill and mortgage.

And in resturants you can drink all you want during your meal, and take a cup with you when you leave all for the same price on one drink. Us silly Americans, we have gone mad...

In essence, yes. You can order different sizes, but things seem to be excessively large (like drinks) when it comes to fast food.

Yes that,s why they have a big butt, big buckets of coke = big butts.

I don't know, but doesnt sound likely

I don't think it's supposed to be a bad thing though. :D

that would depend on what size drink your friend ordered.
we have 10 oz kid drinks, all the way up to a 32 ounce or sometimes, even larger drink cup. the ignorance from some of the other posters is quite apparent, in their answers. coming from another country to america, what you might consider a "bucket" there, would actually be the 32 ounce or larger drink.

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