Clear Urine?!


Clear Urine?

for the last 3 days all i have been drinking is water and cranberry juice, because i had been having to pee more often then normal. so i am not drinking anymore soda. a friend of mine suggested i might have a UTI and that cranberry juice would help fight it (if that's what i have). but today since about 8:30 this morning and it is now 1:15pm i have been having to go pee about every 30 mins and when i do the urine is Clear! is this a bad or good sign?

you should post this under medical, but just know that cranberry juice has as much sugar as soda. Frequent urination is also a symptom of diabetes. But please post in medical, they might know why the frequent urination. good luck.

This is a good sign, because you don't have any harmful chemicals in your urinary tract. Those chemicals are the reason why urine is yellow or brown. You are supposed to pee clear.

Always try to keep your urine clear, it means you are effectively flushing the bad stuff from your body.

Pure cranberry juice does make most people pee more.

It's a good sign...but the fact that you are peeing every thirty minutes isn't. Go to the doctor and see if you have a UTI.

Deep colored urine, means that your body has more impurities in it and that your kidneys are having to work harder to filter it. Drinking cranberry juice and water is great, but be watchful of how much your drinking. Its good to cleanse your body, which is what it sounds like your doing, but everything has a limit. Water is definitely one of the best things you can drink. Also, when your body is purifying itself, more waste (urine and #2) is made, this could be a reason why you are having to go more often.

If you had a UTI, trust that you would know it. They are painful and very uncomfortable. Cranberry juice, however, does help if you have one.

yeah its actually a good thing. drinking water helps detoxify your system.

If you constantly feel the need to pee and you end up only peeing a little and it's painful, then it is probably a UTI. You could go to the doctor, but you can solve the problem yourself. A UTI is basically cause by bacteria in the unrinary tract. This can happen for several reasons and is most common in women because our urethra is much shorter than that of men (obviously!). If you don't produce a long stream of urine, the bacteria doesn't get flushed out properly and can develop into a UTI (painful!). Cranberry juice is good for urinary tract health because it counteracts the bacteria. Once you get a UTI, you usually know it- you constantly feel like you have to pee even if you JUST went and only a little comes out and it hurts. What has worked for me is to drink a LOT of fluids especially water. Resist the urge to pee as long as possible because you want to build up enough urine to completely flush out the bacteria. If you do that, it actually works fairly quickly.

If it doesn't hurt, then it is probably not a UTI. If your body is dehydrated and you suddenly start drinking a lot of fluids, you will have to go to the bathroom often. When your body is well hydrated you will actually have to go to the bathroom less often despite drinking the same amount of water. It sounds weird, but it is true. Clear urine is a good sign.

cranberry juice helps fight infection, if your urine is clear that is very good ,your system is cleaned through and your kidneys working well.

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