Is coca cola bad for you?!


Is coca cola bad for you?

is it really bad for you? what can it do to you?

With all that sugar, yes.

Some people say that the diet are just as bad or worse.

My favorite is Caffeine free Diet Coke.

Some people may say whats the point. Well to this diabetic it is the greatest!


give you cancer, make you fat, and eat your stomack and intestine liner up.

It's bad for your teeth and contains too much sugar like most sodas.


It's not good for ya.

Coca cola like most carbonated beverages are very high in sugar and are not good for you, but they are OK in MODERATION a few drinks a week should not be too harmful. I would recommend not drinking it all, it's bad for your teeth also, even diet cola.

Yes it is really bad for you because it can cause diabetes. I'm saying if you take 2 cans of soda or coke in a is unhealthy to do that. A lot of old people who like to drink any kind of soda have mostly a disease called osteoporosis( a disease that brittles your bones because of sugar).

All pop is really bad for your teeth. I quit drinking it and my dentist knew without me telling him!

YES,it rots your teeth for starters,its like drinking a can of sugar.Have you ever seen what it does to dirty old pennies,?so if it does that to pennies what is it going to do to your insides.?

Yes, it is very bad for you.

Lets just say you can clean your toliet bowl with it and it will make it clean!


I'm only 15, but this subject is over thought of/ Coca-Cola, along with all sodas, contain high sugar and caffeine. High sugars, can cause diabetes, but the rest of your diet influences the effects on your body. Drinking diet soda, is worse than drinking regular soda. Diet soda contains a substance called aspartame. Aspartame is another dangerous artificial flavor, that is considered a cancer causer. All the dangers soda may cause, are preventable. The "eating up of the stomach lining" is prevented with acid dofolis, which relines your stomach. It's also found in yogurt and many dairy products. In retrospect, soda can be bad for you, but maintain a healthy life, is key to preventing diseases supposedly caused by soda.

highway cleanup crews carry a drum of coca cola when going to bad car's used to clean blood and such off the asphalt.

truckers use coca cola to clean chrome, as well as clean rust off of engine parts.

If you put a nail in coca cola, it will disintegrate in 48 hours.

And my personal favorite...

When transporting coca cola syrup, it's considered a hazardous corrosive material and must be classified as so...along with other corrosives, like battery acid.

You decide.

you can use it to clean the terminals on your car battery

Yes, but I drink it occasionally.
God Bless...........Dixiebell

Only if you drink too much or have some medical condition. Or if you drink it with menthos. haha
I definately wouldn't recommend more than a can a day.
I have one every few days.

totally 100% bad for you.

the excess sugars will give you diseases of most kinds in years to come--eg, heart disease, diabetes, cancers, etc.

the carbonated water can give you gum disease or tooth decay, because it is acidic and erodes your gums and teeth.

the caffeine dehydrates your body of water needed to cleanse your body cells of waste materials, therefore weakens your body's immunity in the long run.

there's too much benzene in it too that is actually a chemical used to clean floors--eg bleach, chlorine...

simply gross, you should read up on it and quit drinking soft drinks...

Well, it is not a health food, but of all the bad habits, this one is low on the list of bad habits..I would think...

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