Can coffee get old?!


Can coffee get old?

I have four some 4 yrs old and it is packed in two layers of foil.

The moisture can cause the beans to mold. Ground coffee only lasts around 2 weeks. Green beans, under climate control, are sometimes aged. But what most of us think of as coffee flavor and aroma is lost. It takes on a woody quality and lacks almost all acidity. The coffee you have probably tastes, at best, like straw from a broom. Try it, see what you think. Be prepared to toss!

if its gone hard its stale

yep it can get old i think. I know people who keep theirs in the freezer

I'd guess it would still be potable, but I'd also guess the flavour would be horrendously icky...

It may lose some of its flavor after an extended period of time.

coffee goes stale and after 4yrs I am sure its stale and has lost flavor !

Yes, coffee has oils in it that can go rancid. You will know if it's "bad" by the smell as it brews, old coffee has a smell that resembles band-aids. At least that how it smells to me.

Yes it can, when I used to work in a coffee shop we were told to store it in a fridge to prelong the life.

Should be ok.. But don't invite me round for coffee lolx

yes it can, (It tends to stick together, and not be as loose)

I store mine in airtight containers in the freezer or at least in the 'fridge. No way would I keep it past a year, let alone 4 years. I would toss it. They do use chemicals in the processing of it so to be safe, dump it.

It won't make you sick but it won't taste good. Even packages that are sealed still loose flavor after about three months...But I always use them up anyway...

If you are talking about coffee beans I've had it recommended to me that you actually freeze them and then grind them from frozen - they keep forever that way - apparently!

Some experts say it certainly can get old & lose its flavour & fragrance. 4 years sound quite old to me. It's also said that coffee should ideally be kept in the fridge in a tightly capped glass jar.

the best place to store coffee is in the deep freeze (fresh stuff and beans)), 4yrs seams a bit past it, make a cup and see.

Ground coffee exposed to the air has only 20 minutes shelf life, I store mine in the freezer till I go to use it

yes and no just depends on the way you feel about it? being 4 years old...

yes especially when it just sits in the pot but if you havent opened it yet i think it will be fine i love coffee cold or hot

Everything gets "old" as each second passes.

Now if you mean stale, "yes"

coffee can get old, the re are ways to get the best of your coffee : always store your coffee beans in the freezer to help keep the freshness, and grind the beans just before use to preserve the flavour

to keep it freash, keep it in the freezer. 4 years is to long

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