Is bottled water really from the springs or just tap water?!?!


Is bottled water really from the springs or just tap water?!?

I've just paid 80p for a bottle of water - what are the chances of it being tap water?

Some is actually from a spring and some is simply filtered or "purified" tap water.

It amazes me that people will pay a dollar or two for anything from a pint or a quart of water and not blink an eye, yet those same people scream at paying $2 to $3 for a gallon of gasoline.

A fool and his money are soon parted!

I'm not sure on the chances of it being tap water, but I can be sure the water inside is probably about 1 year old.

that depends if it's del boy's water or not.

If it is marked "purified" or "enhanced" on the label, its just tap water. Purifiers and enhancers are just the same old bleach used in tap water. An investigation into bottled water companies revealed that many were just filling bottles using the municipal water lines! Just another way to fool the consumer into thinking they are getting quality water. If it is marked spring water, it probably is, but who knows?

50/50. You cannot prove whether it is spring or tap water and can only hope for the best when you buy it. If you use ordinary tap water at home why go off and buy supposed spring water when you are out?


didn't "COKE" have a similar problem....

sold mineral water ...when infact it was tap water?

Did it have PECKHAM spring on it.

Poand spring is crap-tap water..
Y is it called "tap"?

Selling water, the stuff we have to heve in order to stay alive, to me seems the biggest scam ever. I don't think it's ant better than tap watre; a good filter unit on your tap would prpobably help.

You have to read the label carefully to determine the source of the water. The label will tell you the source, either municipal or springs, as well as what treatment the water has gone through.

Ask smithcline beacham who were fine a quarter of a million pounds for selling sparkling ribena some years ago, filled with highland spring water, in actual fact it was ordanary hartlepool tap water...

Some is and some is not. Every country has their own laws and regulations that go along with the selling of bottled water. Some require more information than others about where the water comes from, you might wanna read up on your own country's rules about this. The truth of the matter is though, is that neither one is really healthier. Springs can be unclean, and Taps could not be purified well. If the water your drinking really concerns you, you could always research/test it yourself rather then relying on the government.

dude its purified tap water mixed with different minerals to make each different brand of water taste dif. k?

Yep, it could be tap water. Just depends on where it was bottled and under what authority.

You will never know.... hehe

For the price paid by you the product is a packaged drinking water bottle.
Natural spring water would have cost more.
Each country has laws to protect its consumers.
Your safe guard to purchase products from reputed manufacturers and stores is important.

i think if its from a spring they'll list the source on the label. If its purified or oxygenated or anything like that then its tap water.

some of it is. if you want to know, reaserch the company

I honestly think its likely from municipal water lines...I mean seriously do you honestly think some of that water is from these clean, cold, virgin, magical, untouched springs somewhere in the Alps or whatever? I mean seriously. Are there people up there filling water bottles 24/7 then shipping them out to idiot consumers who think they are getting the best water? Seriously, you probally can get the same water if you put a purifier on your kitchen sink. People will pay top dollar for anything if they think its better than someone else's. "Hey Tom, what are you drinking, that purified crap again?"
"Oh, sucks to be you, I just pulled out a 30 year old bottle of water from the Virgin Water Mecca in the Alps, I paid 12 bucks for this bottle"
"Oh Bill, I got mine for free, just slapped a purifier on my tap"
Bottle water is exactly that, bottle water, I seriously doubt there is a difference between Aquafina and Fiji water or whatever.

If you can prove it you may be able to sue

bottled water is meant to be more healthy but i don't think its worth the price. you won't die by drinking tap water.

Peckham springs!!! lol

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