Caffeine in a 12 year old?!
Caffeine in a 12 year old?
Hello im 12 and drank 1 quarter of an energy drink and half a teaspoon of coffee in the space of 30 mins. Will i be all right because i read some stuff and im worried. please help
hah this caught my eye cause i'm also 12. i just asked my mom(she's a doc) and she's says it's fine i mean 1/4 of an energy drink and half a teaspoon of coffee, that's not even one caffeinated drink, don't worry i drink a cup of coffee in the morning everyday before school and a few cups of tea when i get home, i dunno why people are saying we're gonna stop growing cuz i'm 5' 1" and i've been growing slowly but constantly people exagerrate these things relax! hope this helps!
Yeah dude. Don't go overboard on that coffee woo... a whole 1/2 tsp watch out now!
You really shouldn't be ingesting caffeine because it'll stunt your growth, otherwise you'll be fine other than some possible insomnia.
Huh, a 1/4 of a drink and 1/2 tsp of coffee? Stress about something else, son.
Don't be worried that much about that, but just remeber not do drink that much again.
You might be awake all night and then crash tomorrow!
i'm 12 and i always drink coffee.