Where can I find a reasonable priced cappucino machine/?!
Where can I find a reasonable priced cappucino machine/?
I want a maker that is dependable and good brand and a very reasonable priced and not difficult to operate and easy to clean up when finished!
places like Target, Myres and Kmart, also occasionally Aldi's, Woolworth's/Safeway, and coles, might have them, also try eBay there may be newly married couples who received more than one as a wedding gift, as they have become like toasters as far as wedding gifts go
I want to recommend the Saeco Vienna Deluxe Automatic Cappuccino Machine. It is fully automatic, can make espressos, cappuccinos, mochas, lattes and of course regular coffee. It also has a integrated grinder and very good steam. The price ranges from $700 to $600 depending if it is on sale or not. I found it easy to maintain and as far as cappuccino machine go they very good ones are can cost u to $2000. So for my money the Saeco is a very good value for excellent results.
Hope this helps.
We have a Krups, from Bed Bath and Beyond. I can't remember how much it cost, but it was under the $200 mark. Its very easy to use, the foamer is fantastic, and the parts are dishwasher safe.
It really makes an excellent cappuccino, and a great espresso as well.