Isn't Starbucks so overrated?!!!?!


Isn't Starbucks so overrated?!!!?

Their coffee tastes like it's been sitting out on the burner for 24 hours, it tastes burnt. Not to mention it costs your kids college fund to get one. I would much rather order a coffee from Dunkin Doughnuts or Tim Hortons.

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4 days ago
Starbucks is simply just a status symbol, you go there because you think you look cool. You mean to tell me you actually like burnt coffee? The only times I have had Starbuck is when people have bought me one so I would never go there out of free will.

Answers: 4 days ago
Starbucks is simply just a status symbol, you go there because you think you look cool. You mean to tell me you actually like burnt coffee? The only times I have had Starbuck is when people have bought me one so I would never go there out of free will. It is probably the most overated place I can think of. When I get a coffee, I just want coffee, I don't need half-frap, no soy, vanilla mocha crunch blah blah blah. Plain black coffee from Starbucks tastes like garbage, it is very very very bitter. Thats why they put all that filler in there so you can't taste how bad the coffee is. i love starbucks! Yes and fattening, I don't go there. yes it is. and it makes you fat if you have a frap yea it is expensive but i have it is good. =] and i guess its the enviornment too, i mean they have couches and tables and stuff. at dunkin donuts its more a grab it and go type thing. and starbucks has more options. Starbucks is for yuppies. I LOVE STARBUCKS!!!!! I dont know where you live but... i work at Starbucks and I know FOR A FACT that all of our coffee is rebrewed every HOUR... if you are going to complain about how much it costs then stop going there... its not hard... and i dont think that 4 dollars is anywhere near a college tuition payment Starbucks uses up to seven times the caffeine that most other places do. That's part of the reason it is so expensive, and that's also why people get all addicted to it.

Starbucks coffee isreally delicious; you must have been there on a bad day or just gone to a place with imcompetent employees. Yes, and I agree, overpriced. I'd rather stop in the local bakery for a coffee or iced tea. $1.75 compared to $4-6? And Starbucks looks at you funny if you want black coffee or plain iced tea. the coffees isn't THAT bad... depends what you get and although Dunkin Donuts would be cheaper it could also depend on what you get.... i get a grandee vanilla bean frapichino for 2 something, but its every ones own opinion of the place. It is not only overrated, but overpriced! its good but overpriced! i love going to starbucks Ugh, love love love it! Their coffee is delicious. I do wish they offered more sugar free syrups, but I still adore it. Starbucks is not an every day thing for me due to the price (it is a wee bit steep), but I still consider it a special treat.

I find that people who don't enjoy the taste of their fresh brewed and high quality coffee generally are not coffee lovers. I AM a coffee lover!

You've made me want to go get a latte now.... IT IS OVERLY RATED YES! THE ONLY REASON I EVER WENT TO STARBUCKS WAS WHEN I LEARNT THEY SELL KENYAN COFFEE. OUR COFFEE TASTES NOTHING LIKE WHAT THEY SELL. THEY'RE TOO EXPENSIVE, COFFEE TASTES LIKE RUST OR URINE AND SOME OF THE WOMEN THERE THINK THEY'RE ON TOP OF THE WORLD WHEN THEY SERVE YOU WITH THEIR MINI WAGES. BOTTOM LINE, THEY'RE A WASTE OF YOUR MONEY AND THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL EVER FIND OUT, IS WHEN YOU HAVE A TASTE OF THE REAL FRESHEST OF THE COFFEES THEY CLAIM ARE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES. RIDICULOUS HOW THEY SELL YOU A CUP FOR $4-6 YET THAT'S ABOUT HOW MUCH THEY BUY A BAG OF THE FRESH BEANS. BECAUSE OF THEIR PREPARATION PROCEDURE, IT CANNOT BE COMPARED TO WHEN YOU GET IT READY MADE IN COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN. SEVEN ELEVEN OR 7-11 IS MUCH FRESHER AND FAR BETTER. no. I love starbucks. they rebrew their coffees many times in the day. Their frappucinos are delicious. They have a variety of drinks which makes it good for people with different tastes. If you do not like the drink you get there then you obviously got the wrong type of drink. They have amazing drinks and anyone who does not like it probably doesnt even know the difference between a small, grande, and venti! Starbucks is the bomb!!!!!! They have the best it love it love it that they are to much and they only sell coffee they should sell jones cream soda there and they should sell other kinds of pop and good food. In all fairness, I don't drink black coffee from anyone, let alone Starbucks. But their frappucinos are addictive. They are NOT a status symbol. This isn't an Aston Martin here. The only bad drink they have is their hot chocolate. Yuck! It tasted horrible and was waaay too expensive, especially when, for half the price, I could go to McDonalds and get their hot chocolate, which is damn good. I LOVE STARBUCKS! Ok for starters, Starbucks rebrews their coffee every hour. And it is actually very good, if you get the right thing. And you are incorrect, Starbucks is not a status symbol. It's a place to get a good, awakening breakfast, or a cold frappicino on a hot day. And I don't think 4.55 for a grande Carmel Machiatto is overpriced. =) And that's nowhere near college fund. Unless your kids are taking classes as dollar tree. =) I am a coffee addict, but I completely agree with you. Starbucks black coffee tastes way too acidic- good coffee should be rich, but smooth. When I get coffee, I want coffee, not a can of whipped cream with sprinkles and a drop of coffee. It's a place for people who don't like coffee, but like coffee based drinks.
Some of their non-coffee drinks are good, but their coffee is not good at all.

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