How do you make a smoothie?!


How do you make a smoothie?

i dont know what stuff to put in it.HELP!!!!

Answers: I always make banana and strawberry smoothies so i usually but like, 2 1/2 bananas in, then i put in some strawberries. Its hard to say how many because they always vary in size, but if you want a strong strawberry taste, but in a lot, if you don't, put in a little. Or, strawberry daiquiri mix always works if you don't have any strawberries. Put in some ice, if your making it for a lot, put a lot, if your making it for a little, put a little (that also goes with ingredients, but I always make it for only me). then put in about 2-3 cups of milk. You don't want to put in a lot or else you'll barely taste the strawberries and bananas.

Or else, you could always find smoothie recipes at That always works for me. Search for recipes on google and make something that appeals to you. I once made one with strawberries, oranges and pineapple that was really good. Just think about what fruits you like and what fruits you think would go together. Then think about whether you want to combine those fruits with yoghurt or juice (you have to put a liquid or if not a very juicy fruit). You don't need exact measurements. When I've made smoothies I've often created my own. My favorite smoothie is a Mixed Berry Yogurt Smoothie. The recipe follows:
1/2 bag of mixed frozen berries
1 lg container of vanilla yogurt
ice cubes (as desired)
you could also add 1 chopped banana
Skim or 2% Milk (as needed)

Mix berries, yogurt, ice, add milk in blender until you get desired consistancy. Then add banana or find your favorite add-ins! Blend a little longer, then it's good. Enjoy!

Hope you try & like this. Like I said it's my favorite. serch the internet for smoothie recepies or go try and create your own flavor if it is a strawberry smoothie: bring some ice cubes and strawberry juce and strawberry ice cream and some sugar put all in blender and VIOLA you get a strawberry smoothie for any other kind of smoothie change the juice and the ice cream to the flavour u need but for choclate add some nesquik powder and water as u don't have a choclate juice
you can spray some canned cream on the surface after adding the smoothie to a glass well i always love to add strawberries about three or four, and a about 6 large banana slices and u can have it thick or juicy for thick u add milk and ice cream and for juicy add ice and some juice... orange juice, grape,etc... then u blend it(in a blender) and serve it for u and your guest!!! ya ice, milk, strwaberries, bannana, a spoon of honey and wallaaaaaaaa uve got urself a smoothie, instead of the milk u can add anykind of juice too and u dont have to put honey but it makes it taste better strawberry shake simple

ice cream vanilla
imitation vanilla

blend it. easy as that;) Well. i made this thing the other day and it was super good. I put about 2 and a half cups of watermelon, just cut into chunks and a nectarine cut up with ice into the blender, and it was sooooooo good! But im pretty partial to watermelon, so that might be why i liked it so much! It's hard to mess up a smoothie, so don't be afraid to try different things. To make a strawberry-banana smoothie, I use about a cup of orange juice, one banana, 5-6 strawberries, and about 1/2 cup milk or yogurt. You can add a little bit of sugar to it too, if you want to. Try mixing and matching different fruit combinations to make all kinds of flavors...I have tried lots of different things, and haven't made a bad smoothie yet! I'm not sure what others put in theirs but from what I know, a smoothie has three basic ingredients:

? ice (cube or crushed)
? flavoring (be it fresh fruit, fruit juice or others like chocolate, etc.)
? sweetener (sugar, honey, etc.)

Just mix them in a blender until they're thick and smooth in texture (hence the name). That's it.

Others add yogurt or ice cream or other dairy product to give it more consistency but IMHO, that's more closer to a milkshake rather than a smoothie.

You can try making different combinations of fruits to make a new flavor. Here, they're usually called Four Seasons (referring to the different fruits popular only during the each of four seasons of the year). My personal favorite is orange, pineapple, mango puree and watermelon. You can go with that or make it simple as you like with one flavor only, but fresh fruit is better than just jruit juice as you get the added benefit of fiber and nutrients (Vit. C, Vit. A, etc.). Some even put vegetables like carrots. (Don't worry. Carrots taste more like strawberries when blended, but with lots of Beta Carotene that's good for you!)

Coffee lovers usually add their favorite ingredients for a great cappucino to ice and whipped cream (optional) to make a great frappucino. While others use cocktail mixes (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) for making their own special smoothie.

Others make it more healthier by adding nutrients like L-carnitine or whey proteins or honey (instead of sugar) to their smoothie, while others add gelatin pieces, chopped fruit and/or nuts to make it chunky but your personal preference is up to you.

If you're not sure which you like, start with one flavor (strawberry, chocolate, etc.) and see what you can add to it, and go from there. Hope this helps you.

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