Do you hate rap music?!


Do you hate rap music?

Answers: I am black and I don't hate rap music I hate alot of the lyrics that are put to the music. Not all rap music is bad, it's made to relate to others that listen to it. Some rap music is commercial to where anybody can enjoy the song if they listen to the lyrics but other songs are just plain ignorant. Rap music today is embarressing, and not what it was intended for. In the beginning rap had meaning and a good message was heard but now it's horrible to turn on the tv and all I see are butts and boobs flying everywhere. And don't even get me started of what they call women and how they portray women. i like the rhymes and the flow of the music. better than anything out there. i may not always like the lyrics. I did not know rap was music. yes i think it's really stupid all they talk about is how they have money and always getting girls it is alright but personally country drives me crazy so i would take rap over country No!! I love it & thats all I listen to. Rap Is just part of black culture... I wouldn't say I hate it. It's just not my preference sounds like they have a mouth full of S*** no and i am 35! i like some rap but not the ones that do not make sence. im more of a dance rap than anything and i kind of enjoy some of it. yes Yes, I absolutely hate it........I dont think that can be called music at offense to those who like it. YES! Most of the time they don't make sense and the lyrics is all about one topic. The lyrics also contain words that are bad to hear and most of the time, it doesn't make sense (combining "love" and "fcuk" at the same time) what the hell... No I love it and what does this half to do wth non alcoholic drinks? i don't like rap?!!!? rap is not how i roll
unless beastie boys counts as rap
then rap on can't stand it Well first of all, "rap" is so diverse, you can't really catagorize it into one generalized term. Like rock music.. there's light rock, classic rock, punk rock, 60's rock, etc.. So are you talking about hating all rap or certain styles of rap?

To answer your question, no, I don't hate it but as with ANY song in ANY genre, if I find it offensive or if it doesn't have a positive meaning to it, I can assure you that I won't listen to it nor will I allow my children to listen to it. I hate rap. I love hip hop and soul. I think there are differences between what most people are hearing, what I label as rap is the spewing of annoying catch phrases, dumb dances, and talking about killing, drugs, and sex. Hip hop, I consider, is actual music by artists such as Common, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, Dead Prez, ect. These artists tend to address real life issues and express their political beliefs to real music and not crap beats. I also like most 80's rap because I think the 90's is when rap really became the trash it is. NO i love rap music n 2 da otha ppl answerin dis question its yo opinion but damn dont bash otha ppl cultures would u like it if sum 1 said dat rock was full of **** nah i think not so dont do that 2 rap music n personally all tha ppl that hate it get a life cuz u act like otha music dont have tha same damn topics I hate the 'rap' music of today. Granted the beat might sound nice, but that's because a lot of today's music is sampling of the good music from the past. I really do appreciate the underground themes. As someone mentioned above, african american culture embraces rap music, but I believe the way the music is conveyed now tarnishes how good a medium of expression it really is. Fortunately, other cultures are making hip hop a global form, so there are other countries who use hip hop alot better than artists these days like cash money and g-unit. I can understand why so many people dislike it, because what's so great about violence, money, and fast life?
Maybe we should use rap to get kids to vote more, and to get more involved with what's going on in this world. then maybe todays' rap wouldn't be as 'crap' as it is. Yes and no. No I don't hate good hip hop / rap music, but here lately ( the last 15 years or so for the most part ), rap music is really about hate, reverse racism, violence and condoning violence, all kinds of swear words and made up nonsensical words that basically mean something hateful, drugs, drinking and drinking and driving, killing, da po po and anything else your keep your children away from if your a good parent. So my answer is YES!!!!! YES I DO. SEEMS TO ME IT HAS LONG AGO OUT LIVED ITS USEFULNESS. I THINK PEOPLE ARE READING THINGS INTO THE WORDS, MAKING THEM WACKY. WHO CAN DANCE TO THAT STUFF/ No, I like it. I like old school rap more mainly because they are saying something other then I got money in the bank. There are still some really good rappers out there. What you hear on the radio sells. I like to buy the CD to listen to what they (music producers, radio peeps) think wouldn't sell. Some rappers still sound like poets to me just with beats added.

Just My Opinion Rap used to be my favorite genre. My favorite rapper was 2pac (RIP). Then was eminem. I love the flow of the music and the rymes. But I got to admit the lyrics were mostly very ........... But now rap has gone down in my list to number two. I like R &B. Its a little more slower and a bit more peaceful. I love Akon. He is the best Rap music is ok. I like some of it but not all of it. What i really hate is when i cant understand what they are saying and im talking about Sean Paul etc. And for some reason they are popular. hehe Actually I do, but I like one rap - one. Gangsta's Paradise. Got addicted to that off of Dangerous Minds soundtrack. For all the mentally handicapped people out there: rap is music. There's no debate on that. Atleast, for people with brains.

There's nothing to hate about rap. So, no, I don't hate it.

Even though most ignorant pricks say it glamorizes violence and objectifies women. Those people don't have the intellect or personal experiences to understand it and they never will.

You always here people give rap the rap for influencing bad things in people - but you never here them say watching al pacino hit his wife in the godfather is a bad influence. People just look for the easiest thing to blame their problems on and it is usually rap music that is blamed for encouraging violence and sexism... even though violence and sexism have been encouraged for thousands of years before rap. Why is this posted in the Non-Alcoholic drink section? I'm sorry, but rap is not music. Music has moving notes, rap does not. But either way, it's at the bottom of my list. I've never liked it, and probably never will. Nope not at all. There are different types of lyricist and rhyme schemes that they incorporate in the stories there telling. Some people can relate to it and others cannot, just like other types of music. You have different genres when it comes to rap, for instance you have gangster rap which is more a part of coming up in the hood and talking about life situations in that environment. Then you have Hip hop which is more lyrical more metaphorical, then you have booty music which is to make you dance club scene music. Some people like to associate rap as being 1 type of music but that's indeed not the case. Rap is not always about women and money, that's just whats more marketable that's what the industry feeds most of the time. I find that when people who say they hate it really open there mind to the different type of lyricist out there they can better understand and appreciate it.

O and sean paul doesnt rap his music is reggae just to let ya know! Or who ever said they couldnt understand him.LOL

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