Do you think that drinking 28 ounces of coffee and 1 to 3 Diet Coke's in one day is too much caffeine?!


Do you think that drinking 28 ounces of coffee and 1 to 3 Diet Coke's in one day is too much caffeine?

I drink a 20 oz. coffee (Folger's Brand) on my way to work in the morning, followed by a 1- 2 cans of Diet Coke at lunch, a 8 oz. cup of coffee around 2 p.m., and one can at supper. I drink juices or water in between but I'm not sure what the daily alloted amount of caffeine is and if I'm going over it. I have no troubles sleeping or rising.

Answers: yes that is way too much. your body doesnt even need caffeine at all. with the average american 12-24 ounces is consumed each day. each can is 12ozs if you drink about 3 a day thats already 36 + 28 ozs of coffee is 64 ozs. and this is way much more than you need. only reason your body is ok with it is because your used to it and drink that much every day. slowly cut down, it would be much healthier for you. maybe start with cutting the 20ozs to 12 ozs in the morning. then cutting that down more by only 2 cokes a day. then eventually to maybe 1 can of coke, and 1 cup of coffee a day. but if you do decide to do this, drag it out over a period of weeks because if not, you will go through withdraw. Source(s):
nurse I think that is to much. Yes, I think thats a lot... Some scientist think to much caffeine will kill you, overall, yes that is a heap of caffeine if you don't have any problems sleeping or waking i wouldn't worry about it. the 64 oz of fluid study included coffee as a fluid. Yeah, if you don't have an addiction already you may be developing one. yes No, as long as you are having no trouble sleeping or rising, you are just fine.

Studies have proven that it takes far more caffeine than what you are consuming for it to be a problem or health concern.

For people with a sensitivity to caffeine, it is a whole different matter.

The only problem you may face is if you cut back. Then you will have headaches, most likely, for several days.

There was a study that said you needed a certain amount of liquid per day, and it did include coffee and tea, as they are made with water. Of course, pure, clean water is best, but caffeine will not harm you in moderation. What you consume falls in the guidelines of "moderate". Yes, that is too much. Perhaps you should take a water bottle to work (my mother used to do this when she worked in the city) and fill it with Crystal Light or another favorite drink mix to "cool the jets" of your caffeine addiction. It isn't good for your health,and it may come back to haunt way or another. I know this may not be much, but it could offer a viable suggestion. You might try lemonade, iced tea, or limeade for starters. that is way too much caffeine. that much can mess with your stomach and cause serious heartburn problems later down the line. that is way!!!!! tooo much Caffeine is both my best friend and my worst enemy.

Diet Mt. Dew is my favorite cold drink (although I can drink them hot I love them so much) and I drink lots of coffee.

Besides causing irregular heartbeat, caffeine can have serious negative being HORRIBLE urinary tract infections!! I have one RIGHT NOW because DMD went on sale...5 twelve packs for $11...and I drank a whole 12 pack in two days.

Yeah, that's a lot of caffeine. Be careful. :)

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