Is milk bad for you? It is so unnatural?!


Is milk bad for you? It is so unnatural?

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23 hours ago
People have been saying, since it comes from a cow it is natural-- I totally diagree---Milk from a COW. It would be more natural to drink milk from a dog or a monkey--even though they dont produce as much milk. It would be completely more natural to drink breast milk than cow breast milk. Might as well drink milk from anyother mammal, why not whale milk, I mean would that be natural.

23 hours ago
People have been saying, since it comes from a cow it is natural-- I totally diagree---Milk from a COW. It would be more natural to drink milk from a dog or a monkey--even though they dont produce as much milk. It would be completely more natural to drink breast milk than cow breast milk. Might as well drink milk from anyother mammal, why not whale milk, I mean would that be natural.

"Drinking another species milk, which they intended for their young, is not natural at all"

Eating another species is a different story, now that is natural, but drinking their breast milk, I dont think so.

Answers: 23 hours ago
People have been saying, since it comes from a cow it is natural-- I totally diagree---Milk from a COW. It would be more natural to drink milk from a dog or a monkey--even though they dont produce as much milk. It would be completely more natural to drink breast milk than cow breast milk. Might as well drink milk from anyother mammal, why not whale milk, I mean would that be natural.23 hours ago
People have been saying, since it comes from a cow it is natural-- I totally diagree---Milk from a COW. It would be more natural to drink milk from a dog or a monkey--even though they dont produce as much milk. It would be completely more natural to drink breast milk than cow breast milk. Might as well drink milk from anyother mammal, why not whale milk, I mean would that be natural.

"Drinking another species milk, which they intended for their young, is not natural at all"

Eating another species is a different story, now that is natural, but drinking their breast milk, I dont think so. People have been saying, since it comes from a cow it is natural-- I totally diagree---Milk from a COW. It would be more natural to drink milk from a dog or a monkey--even though they dont produce as much milk. It would be completely more natural to drink breast milk than cow breast milk. Might as well drink milk from anyother mammal, why not whale milk, I mean would that be natural.

"Drinking another species milk, which they intended for their young, is not natural at all"

Eating another species is a different story, now that is natural, but drinking their breast milk, I dont think so.
yea milk is good for you it has calcium which helps you grow strong bones. the calcium in milk helps you grow so i wpuld not consider it bad, and how is it unnatural when it coms froma cow? Milk isn't bad for you. It actually is needed in order for your growth and for strong bones. Plus milk isn't unnatural, its all natural since it is produced by cows naturally and is gathered by the people then sold. In all, milk is a neccessity for people to live healthy, keeping the bones strong, and everyone well, unless they are lactose and tolerant then it wouldn't be good because that person wouldn't have the neccessary enzymes to break down the lactose... Well, Ive read that milk is for and meant to help a calf grow from 75 LBS to 350 within the first year, so ill let you be the judge of that? skipping turtle Let's think about it like this. What other animal drinks milk from animals other than it's own kind? NONE! Yes, cow's milk may have calcium, but so do other foods. Cow's milk is NOT the only source of calcium. As a matter of fact, soymilk has just as much calcium, AND you don't have to worry about whether it came from a cloned source! That has to count for something. I'm not saying it's bad for you either, but given the fact that it does come from another species, and with all the cloning concerns, I would rather get my milk from a more natural source. Milk is very good for you as long as it is consumed before the expiry date. Yes, milk IS bad for humans. We are the ONLY species on earth that drinks the milk of another species. Cow's milk was made to fatten baby calves, and when humans drink too much of it, it causes respiratory problems and allergies. Besides, I learned recently that cow's milk is composed of pus and blood. I used to be a heavy milk drinker all my life and always had problems with nasal allergies and congestion. In the summer of 2004, I got walking pneumonia from drinking too much milk, and when I was told by a naturopathic doctor that milk was the culprit, I stopped drinking milk and have never had nasal allergy problems since. It's much better to drink water or fruit juice.

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