Does De-caffenated help remove caffeine from the system?!
Does De-caffenated help remove caffeine from the system?
I distinctly remember someone emphasizing all the chemicals in de-caffineated coffee and I remember looking over thinking, woah, I don't drink coffee. After all these years of coffee though, I want to get some caffeine out so I won't be so old looking. Does anyone know or have experience with this? Any scientific information?
Answers: Short answer, NO. Long answer: caffeine is a chemical stimulant found in many products, not just coffee. The only way to rid the body of caffeine is to stop using it and drink plenty of water to purge the chemical from your system. This may take a few days or may take longer, depending on how much/often you partake of caffeinated items. Think about it, do you eat or drink any of the following: chocolate, tea, cola, "energy" drinks. All of these (and other things) contain caffeine. You'll need to check the label to find out just how much. If you use a lot of these things, once you stop, you are going to have one killer headache! That's the caffeine withdrawal. Don't give up! One caffeinated beverage (or, if you only drink one a day, 1/2 of one) will be enough to get rid of the headache. Then you can wean yourself off slowly over the next few days until you have no caffeine. Some of the negative things to think about with caffeine: it's addictive, it's a chemical substance, it messes up your bowels by causing colon spasms. (Think about it: Who wants a colon spasm in the middle of a romantic interlude?) If you have gastric problems, caffeine causes more problems - IBS? That's caffeine's favorite playmate. Crohn's? When IBS can't come out and play, Crohn's is there for caffeine to ruin your day. Another important thing for women to know: caffeine causes calcium loss. So, every time you drink a glass of moo-juice and follow up with a cuppa-Jo, you've blown any benefit of the calcium in the milk. Not to mention how much money you are (litterally) pi$$ing down the toilet on those calcium pills/chews you take and continue to use caffeine. However, caffeine is not all bad. If you do not use it regularly and have a headache, toss your headache pills down with a caffeinated beverage. The caffeine will dialate the blood vessels in the brain and speed relief for your headache. Now, as far as "old looking." I have never heard of caffeine causing anyone to be "old looking." Do you smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, or use "recreational" drugs. All of those items WILL cause you to be "old looking." Source(s):
Both my neurologist (regarding my migraines) and my GYN (regarding practically everything else, especially calcium loss) have given me my endless knowledge of the evils of caffeine. if your body has already absorbed the caffeine you can't just "get some out" maybe the genes, or smoking, or the sun are doing more damage to your youthful apearance than the caffeine De caffeinated drinks still contains a slight amount of caffeine
there is no detox therapy to rid the body of caffeine -
it actually doesnt linger in the body for more than a a week after stopping all caffeine and decaf drinks De-caffeinated coffee does not get rid of caffeine in your system, it is simply coffee that has no caffeine (though if you order decaf in a restaurant, you can't always be certain that it's totally decaf). Anything you consume is usually out of your system within a few hours, so if you stop consuming things with caffeine in them you won't have caffeine in your system. In moderation, however, coffee is said to have anti-oxidant (anti-aging) benefits.