How do you cure hiccups......?!


How do you cure hiccups......?

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16 hours ago
sorry ...........the cure is not for me.......its for my cat........

Answers: 16 hours ago
sorry ...........the cure is not for me.......its for my cat........ Hiccups are caused by too much oxygen in the blood. All the cures--drinking water, breathing in a bag, etc.--are meant to have you take in less oxygen.

What always works for me is just to stop breathing. I mean just for a little while. Breathe out and expel as much breath as you can, then hold it like that for about ten seconds. Then breathe in normally, then do it again. After two or three of these your hiccups will vanish! get a glass of water an hold your breath while drinking an count to 10 this will stop the hiccup I try holding my breath, or drinking 10 gulps of water. This may work, try getting someone tickle you, that way you can laugh. those dont work! trust me! the only thing that always worked for me is something my papa told me... put lemon on your tongue! it totally works! i even used it on my kids when they were abbies! funny and works!
hope this helps, please give me ten points when it does! BOO!

Oh! Those new details mean I need to give you a different answer!

Rrrruuff! RRRuuufff! peanut butter works for my three year old, it could work for your cat. My dad says eat a tablespoon of peanut butter. I did try it and it works. Ok numb-skulls.....The BEST way to stop hiccup-ing is to first get a spoonful of sugar and place it on your tongue, once it is on your tongue (or in your mouth), quickly chase it down with water. Don't hold your breath, it makes it worse. You can take long extended breaths to slow down the hiccups and sometimes it does actually stop. As far as a cat is concerned, the best way is to leave the cat alone and let nature take it's course. I hold my breath and it works after a while. I hate the hiccups they hurt. hiccups your cat? maybe you should take him to the vet if it doesnt stop. ive never heard of a cat having hicups sounds serious lol hiccuping kitty thats new...

But if its the animal you need to see a vet the hiccup is probably exhausting the poor lil cat which could cause him to get the wind knocked out of him but try giving him a sniff of garlic I don't know why but its a cure...

get your cat to a vet ASAP

Hope dis helped = P try lighting 3 matches and putting the into a small glass of water drink the water immeditly, but not for those who have an allergy for sulfer.p.s. dont drink the watches. idk, but my dad was in the hosp one time w/a guy who couldnt stop and my dad told him he had a dad said if he threw him out the room window they were in (7th floor) he would stop instantly. but if he survived that he would need to clean himself,lol,omg,lol!!! have you tried giving your cat water yet?

i think leaving it alone is a good idea--don't worry it will get back to normal in awhile :)

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