Is Soda Really Bad?!


Is Soda Really Bad?

Now i drink alot of soda (not diet) every day about 2 to 3 20oz's. Im in great shape(work out regular) , about 5'7 and 140lbs with no health problems. I've been drink it for YEARS as far as i can remember. Im shame to say but i can't remember the last time i've drinked water. I would prefer soda over any liqud refreshment. Now, since i have no problems and i think my body has adjusted to drink soda is it really bad since i've been drinking it for so long?

Answers: yes it's bad for you, and if it's not having an effect on you now, it will later. Obviously the sugar is a big issue, it's a lot of empty calories so eventually as you get older and your metabolism slows you will start to gain weight. It's also very addicting which you probably have found out by this point. It's very straining on your kidneys due to the constant filtration they have to do to get all the crap out of your system that the pop is putting in there.

My brother has had three kidney stones and his doctor told him it was most likely due to the fact that he was drinking 5-6 cans of pop a day. Kidney stones are not very fun, I personally haven't had one but watching my brother go through so much pain made me stop drinking it all together since I don't want to go through that i wouldnt know cause ive never heard annyone actually say soda cause im from pittsburgh so all i know about it from you talking is its a drink Well soda is not good for you. Sorry but it is full of sugar and cafine and in some cases all kinds of additives and preservatives that are not good for you.

Granted once in a while it is not going to hurt you but the amounts and frequency with which you are drinking them could lead to problems down the line no matter how healthy you seem to be right now.

How about flavored spankling water or fresh juices? dude soda is bad for u its ok to drink it like 2-3 times a week but u sould really drink water cuz even though the soda aint doin nothin to u now dont mean it aint goin to do something to u later on in life Not for you obiviosly lol. but it could be your body adjusted or it could be damaging some thing maybe a docter jic if you have a family history of diabetes then you might want to rethink you soda intake otherwise i dont see any problems It depends on which type. Colas are known to have lots of phosphorus, which in overabundance can be harmful, although maybe not so much at first. Usually, with a clear soda you can avoid artificial colors and other detriments but there is still the #1 harm, which is the gas causing bloating and expansion of the intestines. I find spritzers to be quite enjoyable without so much harm. they are made from sparkling water and fruit juices. i too, drink lots of pop or soda and I have found it to be harmful over a long period of time. Soda is just flavored water and loads of sugar. It is not good for you in the quantity you drink it. Slow down. Try water, it is free and very good for you. I doubt I drink two or three sodas a month. How are you're teeth? it is when you drink that long. as you continue growing or if you are already an adult, you may wanna cut off on the soda. regardless of what age you are, remember you will always need water to keep you alive so you can take out body waste and remain healthy. i suggest you watch: Name one ingredient in soda/pop that is from the earth or from an animal.
Although it tastes great, all it is is chemicals and phosphates which are very bad for your bones and teeth.
There is also a ton of salt in them which is why you crave them more than water .... kinda like detoxing ... once you wean off and drink water for a few days, you'll have the love affair of your life with water !!! Name one chemical in filtered water that doesn't exist naturally in the earth ...
I wish you well -- save your money, save your bones, drink water !!! It's God's gift. i don't want to seem like a health nut but yes it is bad for you because your body can't digest and i the end it just isn't good for you although i drink to its is okay to drink every once in a while but not like you are now because it isn't good It does have feedback...but if you like it, try the diet soda even if you are not on diet..I surf for diet soda, and it is better than the plain soda..

Good luck it'll ROT your teeth out, switch to diet or get off it, its also a contributor to childhood obesity, if you need to know some other good drinks, GATORADE-type drinks or MINT-water, or YERBA mate if your addicted to caffeine(which i think you are) or any other type tea drinks, MILK is really good for you, and fruit juice is great but i don't drink fruit juice i cant handle the acid, or BEER hehehe

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