Is the drink cocaine dangerous?!
Is the drink cocaine dangerous?
ok so theres this energy drink called cocaine that came into the shelves a few months ago. it has like 3 times as much cafeine as redbull and 4 times as much taurrine. whenever u drink cocaince theres a burning sensation in yur throat. why is that? is coacine dangerous? also they took them out of the shelves because of their name but now they got a new one named "censored" its the same thing but a little stronger now. is this bad for you?
Additional Details1 day ago
when it burns my throat it duznt mean im alergic to it cuz everyon i know that drinks it ses theres a burning sensation in it
well yes, all that caffine and taurine is bad!!!!! just be carefull they are very strong, people have had heart failure drinking them!!! but who am i to say that, when i drink it to!!!