Is it bad to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day?!
Is it bad to drink more than 8 glasses of water a day?
I used to drink like 20 glasses of water a day plus the water in the food which would equal about 30 glasses.
Sounds like too much. If you work hard and sweat a lot; you may be okay. It sounds like a lot to me.
Excess may not be good. After drinking 8 glasses; if you are really thirsty; drink a little more. You don't want to be so full where you feel stuffed or where you can hear the fluids shaking around in there.
We can over do a lot of things in life.
Once in a while you may hear where someone drank so much that they drowned themselves. I've heard about it once or twice on the news.
Please, don't over do...Ask your doctor if you are still concerned.
You may be a tall, well-built person who can handle more. But, if you are a very small person it probably is too much.
I'd ask around to a few professionals and see what they say. Always get more than a couple of opinions.,,. Besides Yahoo answers...