How do you make the perfect iced coffee?!
How do you make the perfect iced coffee?
Is there a special way to make it - add something?
I use the iced coffee blend from Starbucks and cook it at home... is there a better coffee to be using?
If you trying to achieve Starbucks iced coffee taste they use double the amount of coffee when they brew. I know they use either Gazebo of Terraza. To brew the double strength coffee use 1 cup (2.5 oz. pre-ground) grounds to 3 cups water, then add 3 cups of ice to a pitcher and let it cool down. If you refrigerate your iced coffee it will be best if used within 8 hours. If you leave it out of the refrigerator best if used within 4 hours.
I hope this is what you are looking for. Enjoy!