Does tea really stain teeth?!


Does tea really stain teeth?

If it doesn't, then does coffee?, cause I'm trying to give up coffee for tea, cause I hear it has better effects. but if it gives me brit-like teeth, then that's a different story

Answers: I think it must have to do with each individual and their tooth type. Some people seem to have a lot of staining problem. I drink coffee, tea, and red wine... all three notorious for staining teeth and have no problem with it. Others drink a cup of coffee a day and seem to get lots of issues. Most folks don't seem to have much problem with staining unless they also smoke. Oh, yes. But it bleaches out. tea, coffee, cola, they all do Yes it does. At least that's what my dentist told me when he was trying to sell me his $300 teeth whitening kit. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but tea and coffee both stain teeth! Stick with water! ;) no i drank tea and coffee for more then 11 years. my teeth are white just brush them Yes, I'd know. yea they all do YES YES YES!
If you dont believe me, take a tea bag and let it sit with a paprtowel for about 30 secs... It will stain and it is hard to remove.

Tea and Coffee both stain your teeth Tea is supposed to be good for your teeth as long as you don't put sugar in it. The Japanese are supposed to have really good teeth because of the amount of tea they eat. use some crest white strips, it'll keep your teeth looking white. tea is healthier than coffee, so keep drinking it. Yes, it does. If you look inside a white mug after drinking tea, you'll see what your teeth look like. You can bleach out the mug with baking soda, but it seems like it takes a lot longer than a few minutes to de-stain teeth. Yes. They both stain your teeth, as well as, some fruit juices. If the only reason you're giving up coffee for tea is because you think it won't stain your teeth then you might as well stick with coffee. I don't know if this has been proven but some people think if you drink your beverage of choice through a straw that makes a difference. I say just enjoy and brush your teeth with a baking soda/hydrogen peroxide mixture toothpaste. Those whitening chewing gums seem to help as well. Good luck with your pearly whites! yes it can Everything that contains sugar does stain your teeth. If you want your teeth to be perfect, avoid dinking sweet drinks. ((: yeah if u have to much of it.

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