Is it bad to drink hard water?!


Is it bad to drink hard water?

I drink out of my faucet and I use a Brita filter, but I have hard water does it matter? Is it bad for me and my family?

Answers: Actually, hard water is better for you than soft water. You get a full dose of daily minerals just by drinking water! I'm not kidding. I grew up drinking hard well water. The town doctor's made a point of telling us that when we moved away we would have to take multi-vitamins to help our body adjust from not getting a ton of minerals from the water.

So go ahead, drink up! no it shouldent i drink it and im fine depends how hard it is how do you have hard water I have hard water where I live, I prefer it to soft water.
I've been drinking it for 36 years and I'm just fine... so so Not it is okay for you. is it hard hard then YES get someone to comne over and fix it It tastes bad, but actually, the minerals that make is hard (calcium, magnesium, etc.) are good for you. As long as you don't mean Ice, then yes you will be ok i dont think so.
? no hard water is not bad for you and it won't hurt you or your family. Since you have hard water though you will have to clean your filter more often. what is hard water No, it shouldn't be. In fact, in some ways it's healthier because you're getting nutrients such as iron. The exception is if the water is contaminated, in which case you shouldn't be drinking it even with a brita filter. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A TUB OR A SINK AFTER DRIPS OF HARD WATER? THEN WHY WOULD ANY ONE AFTER SEEING THAT WANT A DRINK. No, it's not bad for you. A lot of people drink hard water and they're fine. Don't forget, the bottled water industry is a multibililon dollar industry. You don't need to pay for that when you get FREE from your own home. Well depends on what minerals are present in the water. Infact some minerals impart a pleasant taste to the water and makes it better for drinking. However presence of some minerals can lead to health problems. If you use a Brita filter, then you are ok. This is what it removes:
Eliminates 99% of lead
Reduces chlorine, bad tastes, and odors
Prevents bacteria growth in filter
Reduces sediment and water hardness There isn't strong evidence that drinking hard water is unhealthy.*

Personally, I think using a Brita filter is a good idea because hard water can leach metal from pipes. (See Wikipedia article.

*"Potential Health Effects

Hard water is not a health hazard. In fact, the National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) states that hard drinking water generally contributes a small amount toward total calcium and magnesium human dietary needs. They further state that in some instances, where dissolved calcium and magnesium are very high, water could be a major contributor of calcium and magnesium to the diet.

Researchers have studied water hardness and cardiovascular disease mortality. Such studies have been "epidemiological studies," which are statistical relationship studies.

While some studies suggest a correlation between hard water and lower cardiovascular disease mortality, other studies do not suggest a correlation. The National Research Council states that results at this time are inconclusive and recommends that further studies should be conducted."

For more information: well hard water is hard from metals, calcium, iron magnesium, no in fact this is how people used to get minerals in the past, in fact if they would use hard water on crops it might help increase the mineral content. the problem now a day is pollution, if you can get clean hard water go for it, of course the taste leaves much to be desired.

RRRR only if you live in Delano the water here makes you grow extra body parts!! hahahaha how u get the hard water in first place?
do u mean the one that used in nuclear reactor?

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