Are energy drinks good for studying?!


Are energy drinks good for studying?

Drinking a Tab Energy or a Red Bull does give enough energy to stay awake, but will it cause one to blank-out in the middle of a homework?

Answers: It is a well-known fact that energy drinks (like Red Bull), even the diet ones, will decay your teeth. So IF you do decide to drink these on a regular basis, be sure you BRUSH your teeth often, eat foods like carrots and apples [which naturally "clean" debris from your teeth], and drink lots of water to "rinse" your mouth of the decay-causing ingredients.

I personally like BK's Coffee - called: "BK Joe"
It tastes great! : )

But whatever you decide to drink, please do it in MODERATION! : )

A better alternative: drink WATER! Water actually rejuvenates you - it lubricates your body [joints, etc.] keeps you energized and you well-hydrated. Not to mention this: getting up to go pee (lol) every 15-20 mins. will definitely keep you awake!

: )
Happy studying : )
: ) No. Works for me Instead of making yourself fat on those other health detriments, try this:

Study for 45 minutes, then take a break. Pace your studies out over time. Cramming for an exam might work sometimes, but if you study 3-4 days ahead of time, it won't be as bad.

Study with friends, helps stay awake.

Drink water, get up and stretch, etc.

Coffee is okay, at least better than those monster drinks. no its basically caffeine but if you drink to much it will mess with your concentration i think that they are good.... everyone's body will handle it differently. But usually everyone will crash after the caffaine wears off. But get what u need done, and i wouldnt make a habbit of drink red bulls all the time, your body will start to rely on it more and more, just like coffee no,if u don't wanna blank out,take rest at certain intervals,have a micro nap for 2-3 mins,it works,u feel more better n can learn well.good luck Energy drink should be drank in moderation

The whole point of it is to assist you with recovery after exhaustion/exertion from physical activities and shouldn't be used as a stimulant for keeping awake. Not really as they are altering your natural mental state, though staying awake is better than sleeping and doing zero study no its not good.

plan ur time well in advance, and dont force yourself to stay awake to study. hardly anything goes in ur brain.

dont let the chemicals in the drink mess u up. no they make u sick and they make u pee energy drinks are just, over all, a bad plan. they provide quick energy and a crash. this isn't conducive to good studying/memorization.
energy drinks can also cause sterility. this affects your future moreso than a single failed test will. im in 7th grade and when i have this big essay or project i just drink monster! hope that helps! : ) First, I would like to show you what the comparison between Tab and Red bull. Based on their ingredients:
TaB Energy has 95 milligrams of caffeine and 5 calories. (It also contains 785 mg Taurine, 116 mg Ginseng extract, 19 mg Carnitine, and 0.90 mg Guarana extract, according to the can.)
Red bull accdg. to CBC claims laboratory tests of 80 mg of caffeine and 1000 mg of taurine in a standard 250 ml (8.3 fl. oz) can of Red Bull energy drink.[7] This is a little less than the amount of caffeine found in an average cup of coffee (typically 100 mg/250-ml cup) and about two times as much caffeine as many leading cola drinks.
When you drink a lot of them and you’re all alert, but the minute the caffeine comes down, you’re at a whole new level of being hammered.
What's safe?

Experts say that for most people anything above 250 milligrams of caffeine a day, about three cups of strong coffee, will develop into an addiction. That means if you don’t get that much, you’ll probably feel tired and cranky and get a headache.This explains that it can really cause you to crash in the middle of night while you're studying.
At 600 to 800 mg per day, “very few people would feel normal,” said Dr. James Miner, an emergency-medicine specialist at the Hennepin County Medical Center, based in Minneapolis. “The doses that kill people are 5,000 milligrams, or (the equivalent of) 40 or 50 cups of coffee in an hour.”
Too much caffeine and sugar is not good for you here's a healthy choice that could help you better your health and give you a boost of energy coming from natural sources such as B vitamins. It has 8 calories. 0 sugar and 0 Carbs, B3100%, B5100%,B6300%, B12 4900%.
Here's some of my favorite flavors: (By the way we have 12 flavors that you can choose from)
I drink a tropical blast XS drink which has
a powerful swirl of carbonated passion fruit, peach, and pineapple. B vitamins give you one long swell of power—and because there’s no sugar, you’ll never wipe out. Plus you’ll get essential amino acids and our unique blend of Adaptogenic herbs. Like schisandra and reishi, which are suggested to beat stress and invigorate. And ginseng to help you focus. So, whether you’re on a board or not, you’ll always catch your wave.
Another one is the newBack In Black! It has a classic taste of cola has been given a vibrant black cherry boost. XS Black Cherry Cola Blast energizes your body so you can go strong all day and rock all night without the crash and burn. The taste is smooth and has a full load of B-vitamins. And with no sugar, no carbs, and only 8 calories, it's still a great alternative to sodas.

That's it hope it helps.

Interested on this energy drink please visit: and just type xs energy drink Energy drink are NOT good for studying. They will make you lose focus of your work.

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