What is the difference between mineral water,bottled water and distilled water?!
What is the difference between mineral water,bottled water and distilled water?
Answers: Mineral water has minerals, etc, salts, in it.
Bottled water can be anything from spring water to filtered water to tap water. Tap water in the US has more stringent health regulations than bottled water.
Distilled water is boiled and then the vapor "caught" so that the water is pretty pure. No salts, impurities, etc.
Ah HAH! I found this website to support my conclusions!
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/botwatr.ht... none really, only the price no difference...& if you got it from the tap...it would still be no different - its all the same. what a 'con' bottled water is!! and blinking cheek - they dare to put a sell by date on it!!
p.s. anyone remember 'Peckham Sping'...only fools 'n' horses' water?? says it all really!! Absolutely nothing but the name and price, it ALL comes out of a tap and if you don't believe that you are deluded.