Coca Cola Or Pepsi?!
Coca Cola Or Pepsi?
Answers: Coca Cola. Most definately! Pepsi I like them both however I dont drink much soda...i mostly drink filtered water. pepsi Pepsi I go through a 2 liter a night. While working 3rd shift. But I'm not over weight because I'm active enough. Thanda Matlab -- COCA COLA !!! Classic Coke, poured into a tall glass of ice cubes. Diet Pepsi, definitely... either in a one liter bottle or with a shot of Jack Daniels. It just tastes better that way :) Coca Cola !
once read a book saying that if you just take one sip of the drink... pepsi will taste better than coca cola... however if u are talking about the whole can... the whole bottle... coca cola tastes better! :) Coca Cola. Pepsi Pepsi
with a couple shots of JimBeam coca cola PEPSI!
becuase it tastes sweeter for me. coca cola and even tink that coca cola zero taste better than pepsi... Coke. Much more robust flavour. Perfect amount of carbonation and acidity. Proper amount of sugar. Better with sugar than syrup though, but still, syrup laden Coke beats Pepsi any day.
Pepsi tastes flat, sticky sweet, watered down and metallic. And it loses carbonation way too fast. Can't stand it. either... i don't really care Definitely Coca Cola...Though i was forced to drink other kinds of soda coz there are still some places where COke ain't available Clear Pepsi!! Does anyone remember the commercial? Or better yet, the SNL skit for clear gravy? COCA COLA most DEFINITELY!!!!!! It is way better than Pepsi and has more flavor. Pepsi! pepsi pepsi I've liked Pepsi as long as i remember/ but i like Mountain dew and A&W root beet too..
Coka Cola seems sweeter! Coke!!!!!!! gotta grab one now! coca cola Coke! I remember my freshman year of college...I'd go looking under couch pillows in the student center, or dorm living rooms for quarters just to get a coke.....
I've been coke free for 5 months now. Thanks. Pepsi is much sweeter juz like me! I like both but I prefer Coke!!! diet coke