Where can I find Caffeine Free Pepsi in the UK?!
Where can I find Caffeine Free Pepsi in the UK?
I am intolerant to Caffeine, but am exceptionally addicted to rum and Coke. I have started drinking Caffeine Free Diet Coke, but it's just not the same as Pepsi. Does anyone know where I can get caffeine free Pepsi in the UK?
Answers: You can usually always find it in the cheaper stores, Home Bargains aka Quality Save, Netto and ALDI are a good bet and some pound shops have it too... it's much more popular abroad and since the cheap shops import a lot of stuff, they tend to have it and at half the price of the supermarkets! Just get regular Pepsi and remove the caffeine They sell it in my local 7-11 type shop - no good to me though - I'm ADDICTED to caffeine! ASDA
regards x kitti x Hi
Any where asda quite a few shops do it sure if ya look in supermarkets if not if you speak to staff they can pass message on and see when theyll stockit obviously if they feel wont sell they wont stock