Caramel macchiato?!
Caramel macchiato?
why in these pictures is a caramel macchiato all fancy?
but i ordered one today from starbucks
and it came ina regular cup
and also why is it in a mug?
does starbucks serve drinks in a mug also?
Answers: hey there.. yeah that is not fancy that is the way that they serve it..
as for the questions.. if it is a starbucks that has the full features and everything then it will serve it to u in a mug like the one that u seen... also if u are having it to go then they will give it to u in acup.. but the caramel topping is always there..
in the mug it is because u are sitting but remember that is only because the starbucks is the full one.. :)
yeah they serve their drinks in a mug whent it is the complete starbucks and this applies to starbucks all over the world.. :) Source(s):