Why does tea make you urinate so much?!
Why does tea make you urinate so much?
Answers: It could be the caffeine in it. Tea has a higher content than coffee does.
However.... it also depends on how the tea is prepared. For some, iced tea doesn't do anything except quench thirst. For others.... stand back, they're making a bee-line for the powder room.
I can drink coffee and hot tea, and not really be affected by it. Iced tea.... I swear, I'm a Betsy Wetsy doll. well, it is mainly comprised of water, and if it has caffiene, caffiene is a diuretic, causing you to have to pee a lot I learned when I went camping one year that the amount of caffeine you drink comes out... so if you drink 2 cans of soda...your gonna pee that much....so I would say its the caffeine because tea has a bunch in it ^_^