Poland Spring Water?!
Poland Spring Water?
Do they only sell this water in certain states?
Just wondering, because i've never seen it down south.
Answers: Poland Spring is part of the Nestle Waters http://www.nestle-watersna.com/... company. They do offer home delivery on the web site http://www.polandspring.com/?otc-pi_yah...
You can also contact their customer service for more information on retailers and distributors that service your area. http://www.polandspring.com/aboutus/cont...
Here's a link to a PDF with information about their water quality http://www.polandspring.com/aboutus/cont... Bottled Water, most of these bottles water is from the tap, or pass Thu a filer. Buy, a Britta filter, or a
Filter Britta Pitcher, and stop wasting money on bottled water, when you can so easily filter it yourself. Yes actually. It does not reach too far south. bottled water is bad for the environment plastic is a waste in our land fill I have seen it out west