How much Pepsi do Americans drink every day?!
How much Pepsi do Americans drink every day?
Answers: A lot. For actual numbers, you can contact Pepsico and ask how much they sell in a day - it's safe to assume that, over time, it's all drunk that day, because though some of us will buy a two-liter bottle and drink that over a period of a few days, most of us will drink a couple bottles' worth a day and it pretty much evens out. Tell ya what: you and I and several of our brothers and sisters could all retire on the money Pepsi earns in a single day! no pepsi for me but drink atleast a 12 of mountain dew {pepsi product} a day I use to drink at least 2 glasses of diet Pepsi a day. The last report of the AMA stating that none of it was good for you, not even diet, caused me to quit. Like it was when I quit smoking, many years ago, I quit with 2 full bottles in my cupboard. Also, I'm not happy with the huge carbon footprint drinking plastic bottled sodas leaves. too much none we drink coca-cola yeeeeaaaa!!!! I drink about 3 a day