Which bottled water tastes the best?!
Which bottled water tastes the best?
I am just asking for your opinion.
Answers: Fiji nestle evian Nestle pure-life When I lived on the east coast I liked Poland Springs better than any others. Crystal Geyser, Figi, and Dasani. Oh! and don't forget Aquafina. i would have to say dasani cause it has a crisp refreshing taste i can chug those water bottles! lol propel I still think Perrier is the best. none thay are all bad for the envierment in our dumbs Pump water bottle.
And Mount. Lofty springs. Dasani or even aquafina.... I like Evian. When you spell it backwards it tells you how foolish bottled water prices are. I know for a fact that the Sams Club water is pretty much right off the tap. Some of the more pricey ones are heavily filtered. Smart Water They all taste the same to me. But I like Sierra Springs best becasue that is Adrian's favorite.
Adrian is from the T.V show Monk.
It is actually not his favorite. It is the only one he will drink. haha. Funny show. Nestle definitely. Steer clear of AquaFina and Dasani - they suck! Did you ever see 60 minutes when they told the story that most of the bottled water every one raves about is filled out of a tap? i like dasani