I am addicted to caffeine. I drink loads of coffee and loads of diet cola.?!
I am addicted to caffeine. I drink loads of coffee and loads of diet cola.?
I'm serious if someone could help me and give me some suggestions I would appreciate it. I have started today drinking the half and half coffee.
Answers: If you are going to cut down on your caffeine intake, I would advise to do it slowly. Try decreasing the amount you drink gradually over a period of a week or two. That way you won't have severe withdrawal symptoms. Some symptoms you could get are headaches, and nausea just to name a few. Try drinking alot of water that can help as well. I found a very informative site that has great tips and steps to take to help you quit. Here is the site: http://www.becomenatural.com/blog/2007/0...
I hope you beat this addiction soon and I wish you well. drink water more often? Ease off the stuff slowly. You will probably have headaches and other side effects if you go too fast. Drink lots of water. You can add flavor packs to the water like the gateraide vitamin stuff.
I've had to quit caffeine for various reasons (pregnancy and fibrous cysts) and it isn't easy! Good luck! my boss and I were addicted to coke and what we did is we started drinking sprite and rootbeer (no caff. in those :) it kind of tricks you body alittle bit, its kinda weird. But! You will fo through withdraw so lets say you stop on a friday it will suck till monday. The worse part about it is the headaches but it only last 2 days max and after that you won't want to look at a coke again. Hello,
Try drinking loose leaf tea. Generally it has less caffeine and you can de-caffeinate it yourself without chemicals.
Tea comes in many varieties, it tastes good and is healthy for you.
Jon Stout drink water instead of diet cola
but do this gradually so your body will be gradually adjusted to that
regarding the coffee: if u r drinking more 3 cups daily reduce it to 2 for one week then to one for one week then buy the decaffeiated one try juice find something to replace it Check this site out. Hope it helps you....