Coca-cola or pepsi??!
Answers: i personally prefer coke and i like pepsi but its too sweet and it wont go with many foods like coca-cola does because the sugar takes away too much flavor from your food.anyways coca-cola is the best in my opinion.which one do you guys like the best??
I like either one. If you go for the diet drinks; be watchful of the Aspartame in them. If you drink very many; they can give you MS and Lupus symptoms. If not found can cause a slow death. There are many online sites about it.
Coca-Cola. It was the original, and will always be the best.
coca cola has this special flavor that give it some edge over pepsi.
i prefer coca cola
My hubby works for Coke so no Pepsi allowed in this house. Coke would be my personal choice regardless.
i'm not a big soda drinker but whrn i do
drink it i'll have a diet coke
vanilla coke
pepsi blue
definately coca cola,for many reasons,tastes better,is fizzy(pepsi tends to have that flat taste to it),comes in many bottle sizes,has a range of flavours to choose from,do not like pepsi so i vote coke.
Always Coca-cola!
The one and only Coca-Cola ... tastes better and like you said, definitely goes better with most food compared to Pepsi.
I like Cola-cola the most!
diet pepsi
I like both
Being pregnant I could only drink diets, so I got use to it. Now drinking Coke and Pepsi.. I see that Coke is very strong and Pepsi is sweet and a little strong. I have to go for Pepsi!
Coca-cola wins. I urge you to try Jack Daniels and Coke and then Jack Daniels and Pepsi and you will notice such a difference. The latter is almost undrinkable.
i like pepsi because coca cola has a bitter taste to it......... pepsi is sweet but not too sweet...
coca-cola, in moderation.
Some years ago I took the Pepsi Taste Challenge and really ticked off the rep. I told her which was Coca Cola and which was Pepsi - I then told her I think that Pepsi is rubbish. She was not impressed. I think the new Zero is the best Coke substitute I've tasted.
neither. i'm not a soda drinker.