Does drinking lots of tea dehydrate you, or hydrate you?!
Answers: I am wondering, if I should be drinking alot of water to counter act all of the tea I drink, of if I am already getting plenty of water. Thank you.
Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it makes your kidneys work harder to expell water from your body, and it will make you have to urinate more frequently. Therefore, caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, soft drinks) will actually dehydrate you.
Flush the caffeine out of your system with water, and you should be fine. That will hydrate you and get rid of the diuretic effect of the caffeine.
Drink, lots of water cause it can cause kidney stones.
It dehydrates you. You have to drink plenty of water or else you'll have the sh*ts (diarrhea). And your stomach will hurt.
I guess it depends how much tea you are drinking.
I would suggest drinking no more than 2 cups of tea a day and drinking 1.5 to 2 litres of water each day. In colder weather I drink hot water.
Tea is a diuretic. Makes your kidney's work overtime. As long as you drink other fluids too, you'll be fine.
it hydrates, coffee dehydrates.....but tea has more caffeine,so don't drink to much.
Any beverage with caffeine in it works as a diuretic. 'diuretic'
Green tea is really good for you. But drink water in between.